Chapter 17

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As soon as he knew that Rory and Honor were out of earshot, Logan just couldn't hold back with his parents anymore.

"You both need to back off. If it hasn't quite registered yet...Rory is pregnant and she really doesn't need this stress." Logan turned to his father.

"Okay, okay," Mitchum said, looking at Shira and nodding "but you know, you have kind of come in and thrown this at us. We were always going to be surprised and you should have expected that the news might not have received the best response."

Logan shrugged. "I knew it was never going to be a walk in the park but hey, you needed to know what the situation was. I had kind of just hoped that we were over the slinging mud at Rory phase by now".

"We are Logan," Mitchum said while Shira tried to interrupt him. He quickly shut her down with a stern look, which took Logan a little by surprise. The last person he had expected to be on their side was his father.

"Good, because there's something else we need to talk about." Logan said looking at Mitchum "I'm going to need to transfer back to here to be with Rory."

"Out of the question Logan, you have commitments in London," Mitchum said firmly.

"I have commitments HERE Dad" Logan shouted "and those are the ones I intend to meet. With or without your support. It would be easier with your support but if you want to do it the hard way, I guess that's going to be up to you."

Mitchum could tell from his tone that Logan meant business.

"Mom, Dad, whether you like it or not. I am with Rory now. I should have always been with Rory. I love her and we're having a baby. I hope that eventually, you'll be able to be happy for us". Logan said firmly. "Trying to keep us apart isn't going to change anything"

"Oh c'mon Logan. That's not what..." Mitchum started but trailed off and sighed audibly. "You're with Rory and that's great..."

Logan laughed sarcastically interrupting his father.

Mitchum put his hands up "It IS great, I like Rory, she's a great girl and you're my son, I want you to be happy. You've made your decision and I'm not going to try and come between that but the fact is you can't just up and leave HPG in London in the middle of the various projects and deals you're working on".

"There are other people in the London office that can easily take my work on Dad, you know that". Logan rubbed his temples "You make me stay in London and you're never going to get the best of out me. HPG won't get the best out of me. "

"You don't think Rory would consider a move to London?" Mitchum enquired.

"I haven't asked her and I won't ask her. Her family and friends are here, her life is here."

"Okay, well look, Logan, this probably isn't really the time nor the place to get into this right now. We'll discuss this further at the office".

Secretly Logan felt that the fact his father had even suggested that he was willing to discuss the matter was a small win and so he decided that there was no need to pursue the matter that night. There were definitely more arguments to come in the future but for now, it was to be put to one side.


"Rory" Honor said as she stepped out into the courtyard.

Rory quickly wiped a tear away from her cheek and smiled at Logan's sister. "Honestly Honor, I'm fine, you didn't need to come out here."

"Logan wanted me to check on you," Honor said "Also, that was all getting a bit too intense for me in there, I needed some air myself!" she smiled.

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