Chapter 37

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"Are you sure you really want to do this?" Logan said looking down at the piece of paper.

"Absolutely" Rory smiled as she planted a huge kiss on her fiancé's lips. "In twenty-four hours we'll finally be Mr and Mrs Huntzberger," she said, as they walked down the steps, with their marriage license in their hands.

"But you wanted the big wedding...I know you did" Logan looked at Rory.

"I did, and we'll have that at some point" she shrugged "Grandma will make sure of it you know that!"

Logan groaned at the mention of Emily. "Your grandma will never forgive us. What are your family going to think?"

"Oh, they'll get over it. They'll have to because I know for a fact that they won't be able to stay mad at us once this little bundle of joy makes his appearance."

"Nice tactics" he smirked.

"I'm not just a pretty face Huntzberger" Rory joked. "But seriously Logan, this is right." She said turning to look at him. "Doesn't it feel right?" she looked up at him with her sparkling blue eyes.

"It does feel right" he agreed "but..."

"But nothing Logan! It'll be fun, it'll be a thrill" Rory said with a wink "Some crazy person once told me that people can live a hundred years without really living for a minute...sure that person was trying to push me off the top of a scaffolding tower at the time but even so, it made some sense."

Logan looked at Rory and smiled remembering the first Life and Death Brigade event that he took her to. "There was no pushing! You jump, I jump remember?"

"I do remember, I'm glad that you do." Rory smiled as Logan wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Now mister, you should get back to work. I need to find something to wear!" she said rolling her eyes "I refuse to get married in a sack."

"Do you think it's wise after yesterday's episode, to be traipsing around shops?" Logan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Erm, I think it's a necessary!"

"Fine, but take Frank with you, he can drive you and wait outside the stores"

Rory went to protest but she could see that she wasn't going to win this battle with her over-protective man. "Fine" she grumbled. "Frank can come".


A little while later and Rory was done shopping. Finding a wedding-suitable maternity dress had been quite a challenge but she had stumbled upon a bridal boutique that happened to have a new range of gowns in. She hadn't intended on buying an actual wedding dress, but once she tried it on she loved it and even though it was way over what she would have liked to spend, she threw caution to the wind and bought it. It's not every day you marry the love of your life, she thought to herself as she handed over her credit card to the sales assistant.

Settling back in the limo she was really quite glad that Logan had insisted on Frank accompanying her, her feet were tired and achy. She pulled her cell phone out of her bag.

"Hello, The Dragonfly Inn, Lorelai speaking"

"Mom, it's me"

"Fruit of my loins! How are you? Logan told me all about your little scare yesterday..."

Rory rolled her eyes and silently cursed Logan. She'd told him not to make a fuss or tell her mom about her trip to the hospital. "Ah man, he's such a tell-tale!"

"Now don't get cross with him, I made him solemnly swear that he would keep me updated on everything at all times" Lorelai sniggered down the phone "and so far he's been good to his word."

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