Chapter 35

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Two weeks later and Rory had managed to fend off all further wedding talks with Emily and Shira. It wasn't that she wasn't excited or looking forward to marrying Logan, but she didn't really see the rush to have everything arranged – she at least wanted to get the pregnancy done and dusted before she made any firm plans for their wedding.

Rory was resting at home with her feet up on the couch, trying to read through the first draft of the latest three chapters of her book when the doorman buzzed her.

"Hello?" she said through the intercom.

"Ah, Hello Miss Gilmore, I have a Mitchum Huntzberger here to see you"

Rory groaned under her breath. What on earth could Mitchum want, she thought to herself. She didn't really have the energy to enter into a battle with her fiance's father today but knew she couldn't very well send him away.

"Very well, send him up." She said before replacing the receiver.

She opened the door and waited for Mitchum to appear in the lobby.

"Hello Mitchum, Logan isn't here..."

"I haven't come to see Logan," Mitchum said with a smile "I've come to see you. I thought I'd take my future daughter-in-law out to lunch while I was in the city."

Rory looked at Mitchum with some confusion. That was not what she was expecting. She was surprised by this turn of events but didn't think she was in a position to refuse him. "Erm, sure okay, let me just get my jacket".


Rory sat opposite Mitchum in a smart restaurant downtown. One of the family holdings she suspected as she noticed the way the staff scuttled around them attentively.

"So, how are you doing Rory?" Mitchum asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"I'm...fine," Rory said slowly, very unnerved about the one-to-one she was having with her future father-in-law. This certainly wasn't the day she had planned for herself.

"That's plans are....?" Mitchum enquired.

"....not happening right now," Rory said.

"Oh? I thought you'd both be keen to get things under way" Mitchum said as he took a drink from his glass.

"We are keen but I'd like to wait until the baby is born," Rory said before taking a sip of water. "Mitchum, I don't mean to be rude but this isn't really just a social visit is it? So in the interest of not wasting each others time, can we just cut to what this all about it?" Rory asked, surprised at her own assertiveness.

Mitchum smiled to himself. Despite everything that had occurred in the past. he liked this girl. She may still be intimidated by him but she wasn't afraid to hold her own or stand up for what she believed in. He knew that she was a good match for Logan and managed to keep him in line – something his parents had never quite achieved.

"Rory, you're part of this family now, or will be soon enough" he raised an eyebrow "I know I have not always supported your relationship with Logan but that's because I wanted what I thought was right for my son and HPG. Foolishly I didn't see that what was right for him was you. You bring out the best in him, he was a different person after he met you and I don't think he'd be the brilliant businessman and asset to HPG that he is now.

Rory was shocked at Mitchum's honesty.

"Look Rory. I know you want to work and you're a talented writer, it would be a crime for someone with your skills to leave our industry..."

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