Chapter 33

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"Rory Gilmore, will you marry me?"

At the sound of the words she had waited so long to hear again, Rory felt her knees go weak. She took a deep breath and looked Logan straight in the eyes. Everything that she had ever wanted in life was standing there, right in front of her. Even though she'd known that it had been the right thing to do at the time – to turn down Logan's proposal when she graduated - she had never wanted it to be over between them and she'd never dared hope that they'd get a second chance of making it work. Recently Rory had been so worried that he was on a completely different page to her and yet here he was, the man that she had loved for all these years, standing in front of her, asking him to marry her and it felt like all her dreams were finally coming true.

Logan looked at Rory, trying to work out what it was she was thinking and whether she was quickly making a pro/con list. It felt like hours of his life were ticking by as he waited for her to respond, but in reality, he knew it had only been mere seconds. He looked at her expectantly, awaiting her answer.

"Yes," She whispered "Yes of course" Rory flung her arms around his neck and squealed "Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes!" before she pressed her lips and they entered into an extremely passionate kiss.

Logan smiled widely as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. "Ace, you've just made me the happiest man alive," he said. "Shall we see if it fits?" he said as he took the ring out of its velvet box and slid it into her finger. "Like a glove" he smiled and finally allowed himself to exhale now the ring was positioned in its rightful place.

Rory proudly held out her left hand to look at the glistening diamond ring and her heart skipped a beat. This is what it's meant to feel like, she thought to herself, no hesitation, just absolute certainty.

"Wow, Logan. It's just..." Rory paused to smile "'s just absolutely stunning. I love it, I really do". She said admiring the new piece of jewellery adorning her hand. "I'm never taking it off!" she said clutching her hand to her heart.

"I'm glad you like it," Logan said with a smile. He picked up his champagne glass and knocked it back in one gulp. Rory raised an eyebrow.

"What?!" Logan met her look with his own raised eyebrow "You have no idea how scary it is to do that – let alone a second time around, especially to the same person. Gotta say I am a bit relieved" he joked as Rory jabbed him in the ribs.

"So, Ace, what do you say we make this a little more official and seal the deal" Logan whispered in Rory's ear as he smoothly maneuvered her towards the day bad.

Rory laughed and shook her head "You cannot be serious! Someone might see!" she squeaked but she knew as soon as Logan had started feathering kisses down her neck and running his hand gently down her spine, that her efforts to push him away would be fruitless. She was going to be giving in to him, whether she liked it or not – although she knew that she would like it, a lot!


Rory and Logan lay contentedly on the day bed, tangled up in each other's arms, looking out of the cabana towards the night sky. It was a beautifully clear night and the stars were twinkling and putting on quite a show.

"I have to say Ace...Wow. For someone who was putting up some resistance...that was a good effort" Logan winked.

Rory rolled her eyes. "It's not my fault. I'm out of control. I can't help it, it's the hormones" she said, "Another delightful side effect of pregnancy – I just don't seem to be able to get enough..."

"Hey, I'm not complaining!" Logan smirked, "I'm just glad to be of service".

Rory playfully slapped Logan. "So, we're really going to do this?" She sighed.

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