Chapter 11

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A few days after Rory had arrived back from London with Finn, it was time for her to pack up and head to stay with Emily in Nantucket for the Christmas holidays as had been pre-arranged. Rory was nervous about taking the trip as she was yet to break the news to Emily that she was pregnant and it was getting harder and harder to disguise. The fact that she had absolutely no idea as to what the status of her relationship with Logan was, just made her feel a whole lot worse.

Since she had arrived back in Stars Hollow, Rory hadn't actually spoken to Logan and she was in a complete state of confusion. Had she done something wrong? Sure, they'd exchanged text messages since then but they had seemed quite cold and perfunctory and given how honest they had been with each other about their feelings, Rory just didn't know what to think so she tried to push it to the back of her mind.

Lorelai, in usual style, had wanted to quiz Rory in great detail on her return but Luke had convinced her to resist when it was clear that for some reason Rory was in a bit of turmoil. She knew she'd open up to her when she was ready.


"Rory," Emily said with open arms "So good to see you, it's been so long".

"Hi Grandma, it's good to see you too," Rory said hugging Emily. Even though she was nervous, she really meant it. Even though they had often brought a fair amount of stress, she kind of missed Friday night dinners in Hartford but they'd never been the same after her Grandpa had died.

"Come, come in. Sit. Tell me what's new in your life" Emily said, ushering into the living area. "I want to hear about everything".

Everything? I bet you don't...Rory thought to herself before taking a deep breath. "Oh you know, not that much to report really Grandma. I'm sure you know that I am back living with mom at the moment in Stars Hollow, but shouldn't be for too long as Dad is helping me find a place of my own." Emily looked at Rory with a hint of concern but let her continue "I'm kind of in-between jobs at the moment, waiting for the right opportunity to come up. I am still working on my book but it's been slow progress as I've had a few other things on my mind recently".

Emily smiled "Talking of your mother, where is she? I thought she'd be here by now." Emily had always hated lateness, especially where Lorelai was concerned.

"They're on their way Grandma, I just left a bit earlier than them. I kind of wanted to talk to you before they got here".

"Oh? Really?" Emily looked at Rory slightly suspiciously.

"Grandma, there's no real easy way to tell you this but..." Rory started, biting her bottom lip.

"You're pregnant!" Emily exclaimed.

"What?! How did you know?" Rory looked at her Grandma in shock.

"Call it a sixth sense. I don't know, just a hunch"

Rory looked at Emily, trying to work out what her Grandma was thinking. She wasn't really displaying much emotion, which made Rory nervous, it meant the conversation could go either way. Emily took Rory's hand firmly.

"It's wonderful news Rory, really, it will be lovely to have a new baby in the family again".

"You''re not mad?" Rory asked, feeling slightly taken aback.

"No Rory, and it makes me feel quite sad that you think I would be. A new life is something to celebrate!"

"It's just that, I' know...I'm..."

"Not married?" Emily laughed "Oh I am not as provincial as your mother would make out! Plus, you're 32 years old, you've got your education and career. Your mother was a 16-year-old girl, of course, I wasn't thrilled about that but this is so very different."

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