Chapter 34

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"Emily Gilmore speaking"

"Hi Grandma"

"Rory! How lovely to hear from you. How are you? Are you well? I hope you're looking after yourself and my great grandson." Emily said sternly.

Rory smiled. Her grandmother had been so excited when she had found out that Rory was having a boy. Emily knew that Richard would have been completely over-the-moon with a grandson, having always wanted a son himself.

"We're all fine Grandma," Rory said.

"That's good Rory" Emily replied.

"Grandma..." Rory said tentatively "I have some news."

Rory had really wanted to share the news of her engagement in person, however, with Logan being so busy at work and Rory finding long car journeys increasingly tiresome, they had no plans to visit Nantucket anytime soon. She couldn't risk her grandmother finding out the happy news from another source so it was decided that by telephone it had to be.

"Oh?" Emily said questioningly.

"And I am really really so sorry to do this over the phone but I seem to be kind of doubling in size as each day passes and I'm not sure that we'll make it to Nantucket anytime soon and well, this couldn't really wait..."

"Rory Gilmore! You're rambling just like your mother!" Emily scolded.

"Sorry, Grandma!" Rory laughed.

"Well, what is it?" Emily said impatiently to her granddaughter.

"Logan asked me to marry him"

Emily clasped her hands in glee. "Oh, Rory! That's wonderful news, just wonderful. Oh – hold on, you did say yes this time didn't you?"

Rory rolled her eyes "Yes, grandma, of course, I said yes!"

After she had answered a million of her grandmother's questions, Rory walked into the bedroom where Logan had just got out of the shower.

"How did she take the news Ace?" Logan said reclining on the bed.

"Very well, almost too well" Rory groaned. "I think that the china pattern is probably being selected right now!" she said as she eased herself onto the bed and placed her head on Logan's chest.

"Ha, well I guess we knew that would always happen!" Logan said absentmindedly fiddling with the ends of Rory's hair. "It's good that she's excited, though, right?"


"Because tomorrow, the news might not be received with such enthusiasm..." Logan said as he gently kissed the top of Rory's head.


"I can't believe we are standing here once again," Rory said looking at the front entrance of the Huntzbergers house. Logan reached over and clutched her hand. "Nothing good ever happens to me here" she groaned.

"It will be fine Ace," Logan said reassuringly. "They're going to be expecting this, it's not like it's completely out of the blue," he said as he opened the door and walked in.

"How nice of you both to join us for dinner tonight" Shira smiled sweetly. "Rory, you're looking really well, not long to go now is there," she said as she leaned into air kiss Rory's cheek.

Rory took a side-glance at Logan, who closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Logan!" A voice boomed out of nowhere making Rory jump "Rory, always a pleasure" Mitchum said as he walked into the room and poured himself a scotch.

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