Chapter 22

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Rory sat at the kitchen table and tentatively switched her cell phone back on. As she could have predicted, Logan had already left several messages urging her to call him back and sent numerous texts. Rory felt utterly consumed by her thoughts. She knew that she'd completely overreacted about Logan seeing other women – he was completely right – all that was in the past and had happened at a time when he and Rory were nowhere near being exclusive and had never dreamed that they would have a future together. She didn't doubt that he was completely faithful to her, not for one minute and she deeply regretted that she had used that as a stick to beat him with. Underneath it all, she knew that her reaction to the rest of the terrible things Odette had said to her, were her own issues and insecurities, not Logan's.

Rory toyed with her cell, wondering whether now was the right time to make the call or not. After several minutes had passed with her finger hovering over the call button, she placed the cell phone back on the table. She hadn't even spoken to Lorelai about it all yet so she decided to wait until her head was a bit clearer, but she felt the need to at least let Logan know that she was okay, so she picked up her cell again and tapped out a message.


Logan sat back at his desk after coming out of a lengthy and tense meeting. He put his hands behind his head and relaxed backwards in his chair before he noticed the notification on the screen of his cell indicating that he had received a new voicemail. He quickly picked up to listen to it, hoping and praying that it would be Rory but was somewhat disappointed to find that it wasn't.

"Mr Huntzberger, it's Monica, the realtor for the West Village property – I wanted to let you know we've managed to secure the apartment early for you and that the keys are ready for collection, you can come into the office at any point."

Disappointed, Logan ended the voicemail call and put his cell back on the desk. He really couldn't believe that he hadn't yet heard from Rory yet. He knew she was mad at him, though he didn't completely understand all the reasons why, but he'd hoped that the long flight might have given her time to cool down. Now he was getting calls about an apartment, their apartment, that right now, he didn't even dare get excited about them living in.

Logan's cell beeped into life and he picked up to read the message that had just come through.

"I got your messages. I'm sorry I took off; I just need a bit of space. Everything has been happening so fast. I hope you understand".

Logan ran his hands through his hair, feeling relieved that Rory had at least made some contact and even if the message was quite curt and perfunctory, he thought it sounded less emotional – if it were possible to glean as much from a text message. After a few moments of deliberating over what his response should be, Logan tapped out his reply.

"Glad to hear you are home okay Ace. We need to talk." Logan waited for Rory's response.

"We do, not sure I am ready quite yet, though."

Logan sighed and decided that the best thing he could do right now was leave Rory to come to him when she was ready. She had never been the kind of person that responded well to being pushed, he knew that.

"Ok. Well, in other news, I've just had word that the apartment is ready – if you want to you can go get the keys from the realtor today. Speak soon x".

Logan put his cell down again on the desk as his secretary entered the room to let him know that it was time for his next meeting. He didn't know how he was going to get through the day without talking to Rory, he couldn't focus on anything else but clearing up the mess that had been created. Logan really hoped that a bit of space would make Rory see that none of the crap that Odette was spouting mattered, not in the big scheme of things.

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