Chapter 20

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"Mmm, finally some real coffee" Rory said clutching her Luke's mug close to her chest.

"You shouldn't be drinking that!" Luke said as he leaned over the table and poured Lorelai another cup.

"We're tired, the baby needs caffeine," Rory said rubbing her tummy "plus one cup in not going to hurt" she smiled at Lorelai as Luke walked away muttering.

"So, loin fruit. Start talking" Lorelai said rubbing her hands together.

Rory and Lorelai had come to Luke's for the mother of all catch-ups. Even though they were currently living in close quarters right there in Stars Hollow, Rory had been so busy recently with everything moving so fast that she hadn't really had time to catch Lorelai up on everything that had been going on in her life.

"Firstly - how was dinner at the Huntzbergers House of Pain?" Lorelai asked.

Rory laughed and rolled her eyes at her mother "As painful as you might imagine."

Lorelai pulled a face and looked slightly disappointed "Oh really hun? That's a shame. I would have hoped they'd have got bored of all that by now."

"Shira was her usual pleasant self" Rory sighed "and Mitchum...well he had his moments but well...actually, by the end of the night, it felt like there was some sort of unspoken truce between us. He was actually quite nice."

"Now there are two words I've never heard put together in the same sentence – Mitchum and nice." Lorelai winked. "So how much do they know".

"Everything there is to know." Rory shrugged "Apart from the fact we've just bought a new apartment - they don't know that yet but Logan is probably telling them right now...and I can imagine how well that is going." Rory started before she was interrupted by her mother.

"Hold the front door! What new apartment?" Lorelai looked at Rory with her mouth gaping open.

"Oh right, yeah I should probably tell you about that part" Rory giggled.

"Err YEAH you should! Momma needs all the info"

"Logan figured we needed somewhere to live so we've been looking for the perfect property and we found an apartment that we both loved and so he bought it for us"

"Just like that" Lorelai said.

"Just like that" Rory answered her mother.

"Wow. Nice to have money. And where pray tell is this new apartment you speak of?" Lorelai felt excited for Rory taking what was a major step, not just for herself but for her relationship with Logan but couldn't help hoping in her heart of hearts that she wasn't about to start racking up a whole heap of transatlantic air miles.

"Well, you might not like the next part but we have our's in New York"

Lorelai breathed a big sigh of relief. She hated the thought of her daughter and grandchild being a couple of hours away but she completely understood that there needed to be a compromise between the two. New York was infinitely more palatable than London and it made sense for them if they were both going to maintain their careers.

"I'm happy for you kid, it sounds great." Lorelai smiled at Rory. "So I take it Logan won't be working in London anymore? How did his dad take that bombshell?"

Rory shuffled in her seat a little "Well, no, yes...ugh maybe"


"That's where he is now" Rory grimaced "He's over in Hartford talking to Mitchum to try and iron all his out. He's hoping that he'll be able to organise a quick transfer from the UK...but that's going to depend on the good nature of his father of course and..."

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