Chapter 32

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Rory opened the door to her suite to see who was knocking.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes"

"Finn, one of these days Rosemary is going to get really fed up of all the attention you lavish on me" Rory rolled her eyes as Finn held our his arm for her to take. He was dressed in a very well cut suit and she couldn't help but think just how could he looked. "Wow Finn, you scrub up quite well yourself" she winked.

"I am here to escort you down to the ballroom milady," Finn said as Rory linked her arm through his "And Rosemary doesn't mind lending me out every now and again to help a friend in need." He whispered.

"I'm hardly in need!" Rory jabbed him with her elbow, although she was grateful that he'd come to get her. She had been a little nervous about walking into the party on her own, especially as she had no idea what to expect when she got there.

"You are in that dress!" Finn exclaimed, "I fear I am going to have to spend the evening beating the men off with a stick tonight or our man Logan will never forgive me!"

Rory laughed. Though she would often pull faces and pretend she found it annoying, she secretly loved how protective Logan's friends were over her, especially when he wasn't around. They made her feel safe.

As she entered the ballroom on Finn's arm, Rory's jaw dropped. The LDB had definitely outdone themselves this time.

As if the ballroom itself wasn't impressive enough - it had been completely dressed as an opulent party from the roaring 1920's, complete with rich and seductive decorations at every turn.

"Do you like the theme, Rory?" Rosemary said rushing over to greet her "It's The Great Gatsby," she said excitedly.

"I love it!" Rory said, trying to take it all in.

A lot of effort had clearly been put into the décor of the room. It certainly with a doubt looked like a party fit for the likes of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. Miles and miles of metallic gold fabric were swathed across the ceiling, in between huge gold and crystal chandeliers that hung imposingly above the room. The gloriously decorated tables were adorned with golden candelabras and large feather accents were scattered around as centrepieces. Long strings of pearls and crystals hung from the ceiling and on the backs of the chairs – really just about anywhere that they could be draped.

A huge champagne fountain was set up in the middle of the room – Rory was certainly sad not to be able to partake in that particular activity. As all the guests filtered into the room, costumed servers were walking around the event holding trays of delicate canapés.

"So whose idea was this?" Rory asked "It's a fabulous theme"

"It was a collective idea. You know how much we love to indulge and there's not much more indulgent than a Gatsby party" Colin said.

The whole gang was there – Rosemary, Finn, Stephanie, Colin, Robert, Juliet and they were all dressed to the nines in fantastic vintage style clothing. The only person missing was from this perfect picture was Logan.

"Rory, it's simply not that fair that you look that good pregnant" Juliet said, "I bet when I have a baby I'll look like Jabba the Hut".

"You've got to find that poor fool to marry you first Juliet," Colin said laughing.

"It's only a matter of time" Juliet shot a look at Colin "and then I'll finally be able to start enjoying the delicious food we have at all these parties" she groaned.

A full band was set up in the corner of the ballroom, playing jazz classics., some of which Rory recognised and some she didn't. Robert took Rory by the hand just as the band started to play the next song – 'It Don't Mean a Thing' by Louis Armstrong featuring The Duke Ellington Orchestra. Rory smiled as she thought about how much her grandfather Richard would have loved the music at this party. It had taken a long period of grieving to come to terms with his loss but she'd finally reached the point where she could look back fondly rather than with sadness.

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