Chapter 10

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When Logan and Rory reached the Harlequin Suite, there was no sign of Finn other than a note on the coffee table;

"Gone to pick Rosemary up, back later x"

"Guess things are back on with Rosemary then" Rory rolled her eyes.

"Great suite Ace! How did you swing this?" Logan asked, helping himself to some Scotch from the bar.

"Finn booked it for us, he's been really great. He even arranged to bring me over here in Colin's jet" she said kicking off her shoes before adding quietly "He came with me to the scan too...I had been avoiding it and didn't want to do it on my own. I couldn't really have done any of this without him." It was all true, Finn while always considered the loose cannon of the group had really stepped up for Rory.

"I'm glad you've had someone there for you. Obviously, I wish it would have been me there with you, but if I had to pick anyone, I'd choose my best mate for sure. Though I'll admit I'm slightly relieved when you first said you were here with Finn I thought you were telling me that he was the father". Rory looked at him shocked and shook her head laughing.

"So," Logan said putting down his scotch "now that you've got me up here Gilmore, what do you intend to do with me".  Rory's stomach flipped as Logan walked towards her.

"This..." Rory said as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. Logan responded, running his hands up and down her back. It felt so good to kiss her again and to be able to touch her like this. She was like his missing puzzle piece – they just fit.

"Rory..." Logan pulled back and looked at her. While the urge to be with her was incredibly strong he was concerned that he didn't want to hurt her in any way and the fact of the matter, whichever way you looked at it, was that he was still engaged and still had a huge mess to sort out with Odette.

Rory pulled Logan back in and kissed him again. "Rory...I think I should probably go..." he said, kissing her neck gently. "Shall I go?" he asked her "Ace?"

Rory responded by kissing him again, only this time a lot harder. She looked him in the eyes "Stay" she said firmly. "I love you Logan. Stay."

That was all that Logan needed to hear.

"I think we should move this party to the bedroom Ace".


The next morning Rory woke early again, but this time was different, today she was lying next to a sleeping Logan. With so many thoughts about the events of yesterday running through her head, she knew there was no way she was going to be able to go back to sleep so she decided to take her morning coffee out on the terrace – only this time she remembered to take a blanket as well to ward off the December chill. As she sat there looking out at Hyde Park starting to busy itself with joggers, cyclists and commuters going about their business, she couldn't help her mind wandering back to the night she had just spent with Logan.

Rory had spent weeks agonising over the decision and just how she was going to tell Logan and while it certainly didn't all go to plan, it had turned out okay. Better than okay in fact. He wasn't angry in any way and he had actually told her he loved her! After they arrived back at the suite, they carried on the kissing that had started in the bar downstairs and the inevitable happened as it did so often when Rory and Logan were left alone. They spent the majority of the night tangled under the bed sheets but this time it felt different. There was always passion when Rory and Logan got together, that was one thing that wasn't lacking, but this time there was a whole heap of emotion attached to it. The door opening behind Rory broke her train of thoughts.

"Good morning milady" a sleepy looking Finn addressed her. "Can I presume from the trail of clothes between the living room and your boudoir that things went well last night? VERY well?"

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