Chapter 3

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"You are WHAT?" Paris stood in front of Rory with her hands on her hips with what can only be described as an incredulous look on her face. Rory sat quietly on the couch in Paris's living room thinking about how much she felt like a naughty schoolgirl at that moment. Even my mom took it better than this, she thought to herself.

"You're pregnant?! Rory! How did you let this happen?"

Rory knew that whether she liked it or not, she was always going to hear the brutal truth from Paris and right now, amid all the confusion in her life, what she needed was a big dose of Paris-style reality.

"Well, you know how it goes Paris. Boy meets girl, boy and girl hook-up, boy and girl forget to use a condom..." Rory trailed off...

"Oh, it just gets better!" Paris rolled her eyes and paced backwards and forwards in front of Rory.

"Come on Paris, you know what it's like in the heat of the moment. It wasn't planned, it just happened and well, yeah. That's kind of where we are".

"Who knows?" Paris eyed up Rory "Who have you told?"

Rory shrugged "Just Lorelai, it's still early days. I want to at least have a scan first before I put the news on general release and..." Rory stopped talking when Paris interrupted her.

"The father? Does he know? Do I even dare ask who?"

"No Paris, the father doesn't know, and the jury is out on that as to whether I am even going to tell him so I don't want to get into that right now."

"I bet I could hazard a few guesses..."

"Don't" Rory looked up at Paris, her eyes pleading her not to ask the question that she knew was on her the tip of her tongue. Paris shook her head, she knew Rory better than anyone.

"So you're keeping it then? You're doing this?"

"Erm, yes, I am" Rory replied, with a little shake in her voice.



"You know you have to tell him, right? I mean, I'm not his biggest fan by a long shot but the guy deserves to know".

Rory groaned and buried her head in one of the cushions on the couch.


A little while later, Paris and Rory were sitting in the kitchen of Paris's townhouse when Rory decided it was time to broach the 'Doyle' conversation.

"Paris, what is going on with Doyle? You're not really going to get divorced, are you? You two are made for each other"

Paris looked at Rory with a stare that under normal circumstances would have had Rory moonwalking out of the door and as far out of New York as possible, but today Rory was confident that Paris would never hurt a pregnant lady. Or at least she thought she wouldn't...

"You love each other Paris, you do"

"Sometimes it's not enough Rory, it's just not enough".

"It should be simple Paris"

"It should but it's not, we fight, we argue..." Paris shrugged.

"but that's how you've always been Paris! Do what you need to do to make it right Paris" Rory said "Before it's too late"

Paris saw the perfect opportunity to move this unwanted conversation from herself and seized it "Talking about making things right before it's too late, perhaps you should take some of your own advice." She said looking pointedly at Rory.

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