Chapter 31

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Rory woke up on Saturday morning alone in her king size bed. She'd forgotten for a moment that Logan had gone away until she realised his side of the bed was stone cold. Grumbling to herself, she pulled herself out of bed, wrapped her robe around her and walked out into the kitchen to get herself her morning coffee. At that moment she couldn't help but think that one of the worst things about Logan not being here was the fact that the coffee would normally be waiting for her. She waited for the coffee to be ready, poured herself a cup and sat herself down on the window seat so she could look out at the park opposite. While she sat there she decided to ring Logan who answered his cell almost immediately.

"Hi, Ace!" Logan said, sounding particularly happy to hear from Rory.

"How's Chicago?" Rory asked

"Not was windy as they make out" He laughed.

"So when do you think you'll make it home?"

"Shouldn't be too long, most likely tomorrow?" Logan said. "Why, are you missing me already?" he laughed

"I always miss you! Not least because there's nobody else here to make my coffee for me..." she teased.

After a few minutes of chit-chat, Rory ended the call to let Logan get back to work. The quicker he got everything done, the quicker he would be home she figured. From the window seat, she looked over the apartment. She really was happy here, she couldn't wait to bring their baby back there. Just as she was glancing around she noticed something lying on the doormat. Intrigued, she wandered over to find that black envelope had been pushed under the door. Rory picked it up and flipped it over to find their names in ornate gold lettering on the other side. She thought it looked like some sort of invitation. Wondering where it came from, Rory walked over to the couch and sat down before opening the envelope and pulling out a stiff piece of cream card.

Get ready Rory & Logan

4 pm tomorrow.


Rory laughed and rolled her eyes. What did those guys have in store now? Even after all these years, they still loved to throw an LDB-inspired shenanigan of some description. The night in New Hampshire had been the last stunt they had pulled.

She picked up her cell phone and dialled a familiar number.

"Lorelai's House of Disrepute..."

"Hey mom"

"Hey, Ror! What's going down? Got any exciting weekend plans?"

"Well, I didn't have. Logan is away for the weekend in Chicago, working" she rolled her eyes, even though nobody was there to sit it "and I've just had an invite to an LDB event today."

"LDB...remind me...."

"Life and Death Brigade – you know the Yale secret society thing...every now and then the boys like to pull out all the stops and throw some sort of bash, it looks like today is going to be one of them"

"You don't sound too excited about it?"

"Well, it's just that the invite was for both of us and Logan's going to miss it..."

"Ah Ror, I'm sure it will be fun anyway."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"So you're going to go?"

"I don't think I'll have much choice. One of the guys will no doubt show up here later and kidnap me" She said, only half-joking.

"Intriguing! Don't forget to tell momma all about it tomorrow"

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