Chapter 25

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Rory sat on the floor in the middle of their new apartment, surrounded by piles and piles of books. She scraped her hair back into a messy ponytail and leaned back on her hands to survey the scene that presented itself in front of her. Ugh, why did I decide to start doing this job today she thought to herself, looking at the mess all around her. She had felt at a bit of a loose end in Stars Hollow and so had decided to make the most of her time and start organizing a few things in the apartment. Rory had already had Luke over to fix up the floor-to-ceiling bookcases she wanted in the living area and she was keen to get the shelves filled with her favourite books, only now she couldn't quite decide how to put them away, struggling to choose between lining them up by color, organizing them by genre or simply just putting them on in any which way she picked them up. She sighed and closed her eyes while she puzzled over the choices, her sudden inability to make the simplest of decisions frustrating the hell out of her.

"I'm not sure what you're thinking about there, but it looks like maybe you need to pull a pro/con list out of the bag"

Rory's eyes sprung open at the sound of someone else in the apartment and she jumped up.

"Logan!" she squealed as she ran over to her boyfriend and threw her arms around his neck.

"Pleased to see me?" Logan asked with a smirk.

"Always," Rory said with a big smile "but damn Logan, look at the state of me. Why can't you just tell me when you're coming back, you know like a normal person would?"

"Aw Ace, normal isn't why you love me," he said sweeping her up into a kiss before bending down to press a gentle kiss on her tummy. "Wow Ace, you might want to lay off the're filling out a bit there."

Rory playfully slapped Logan on the arm. "Don't be rude!" she said pretending to be offended.

"Apartment is looking great Ace," Logan said looking around.

Rory smiled. It was starting to take shape. Over the past week she'd been gradually adding a few more bits and pieces of furniture and although there were still a lot of things that needed to be bought, it was starting to look like a proper home.

"Have you stayed here at all yet?" Logan asked

"No, call me an old sentimental schmuck but I wanted my first night here to be when we were together." She smiled "Oh! Do you want to see the bedroom?" Rory asked excitedly.

Logan raised an eyebrow.

"I don't mean like that..." she laughed taking him by the hand and leading him to their room. "What do you think?"

"Nice bed, but I think we're going to have to test it out," Logan said suggestively before pulling Rory down onto the bed and putting his arms around her as she lay her head on his chest. He sighed contentedly. "Yep, this is pretty much perfect," he said, kissing the top of her head.


"Everything is looking really great Miss Gilmore, your baby is growing very well and you've had no problems yourself? No concerns?" Dr Levine asked as she ran the doppler over Rory's tummy.

"Nope, everything has been fine since the sickness stopped" Rory smiled, looking at the image of their baby on the screen in front of her. The last time she had seen her baby, she thought it had looked more like a shrimp with a tiny heartbeat, now the image before her was so much clearer and she felt a lump form in her throat when she saw the baby move its little arm. For Logan, this was the first time seeing anything at all and watching the little baby fidgeting on the screen, knowing that was wriggling around in Rory right at that moment made him fill up with emotion. He looked down at Rory, a picture of happiness in that moment and he knew that whatever happened in the future, he was never ever going to leave their side.

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