Chapter 24

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Rory woke up the next day with renewed energy and a little bit more of a spring in her step. She really hated being so far away from Logan, she missed him like crazy but she felt that it was the right thing to do for herself; she needed to be at home right now. The past few weeks had been intense. Although she was pretty comfortable with her decision to remain in Stars Hollow she knew that the separation would be hard for Logan too, he'd never been a fan of doing the long-distance thing. She slipped on her robe and picked up her cell phone from the side of the bed to make a call, which was answered immediately.

"So, I forgot to tell you yesterday..." she started.

"Hi Ace," the voice on the end other end said with a smile.

"Hi," Rory said breathlessly. She still couldn't get her head around the fact that even after all these years, Logan's voice still had the ability to make her melt.

"You forgot to tell me something?" Logan asked, bringing Rory back into the room.

"Oh! Yeah, I did! I forgot to tell you the main reason I saw Finn yesterday – we picked up the keys to the new Gilmore-Huntzberger residence!" she said excitedly.

"You did?!, that's great Ace" Logan exclaimed. "I wasn't sure if you would or it's really ours now. When are you moving in?"

"Oh no, I can't!" Rory gasped "I'm not doing that without you!"

Logan laughed "Why not?"

"It just wouldn't feel right!" Rory said "No. We'll move in together when you're here for good" she said decidedly.

Logan shook his head and smiled, Rory could be so stubborn about these things sometimes.

"Okay, as you wish, though, it would be nice to be able to stay in our own place when I come back to visit soon..."

Rory chewed her lip. Maybe he's right she thought It would be nice...

"...but at the very least perhaps you could get some furniture in there? I mean, it's not like I'll get much of a say anyhow is it..." he smirked. "You've got my AMEX, right? Take Lorelai and go forth and shop!"

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" Rory asked incredulously "What if I buy floral draperies and shag pile rugs and paint everything judgement really isn't the best right now" she laughed.

"Oh, I think you'll be fine. Remember, whatever choices you make, you've got to live with too" he laughed "Besides, Lorelai will be there to help..."

"...Logan..." Rory said sarcastically "You've seen her monkey lamp, right?"


Rory stepped out of her childhood bedroom and into the kitchen before she heard a familiar voice coming from the living room. She wandered in to greet the voice.

"Dad?" Rory asked sounding a little bit more than surprised to see him standing in the living room of what was now Luke and Lorelai's house. She looked over at her mom with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, kiddo!" Christopher said, pulling Rory in for a slightly awkward but gentle hug. "Your mom emailed me to let me know you were back in town so I thought I'd pop by and see if my daughter wanted to join me for a quick breakfast."

"Sure" Rory nodded "I need to go...change," she said gesturing at her PJs "but I won't be long".

"Yeah, lose the bunny slippers Ror. Luke sees you with those on your feet, he'll be adding them to his list of things that are banned in the diner" Lorelai joked.

Rory rolled her eyes. "The man bun thing was just plain mean..." she smiled. "I just need five minutes and I'll be with you".


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