Chapter 29

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As Rory anxiously waited for Logan to say something she felt like time had frozen. She immediately regretted saying the words that had fallen out of her mouth, even if they had been on the tip of her tongue for months. With Logan finally moving to New York, things were just finally starting to fall into place for the pair of them and she was instantly worried that she had upset that now.

Logan looked at Rory with some surprise. He felt a bit stunned by her words and didn't quite know what to say in response. He loved her more than life itself but at that moment in time, he was completely lost for words.

"I'm really sorry Logan...I..." Rory faltered over her words before Logan leaned in and kissed her, interrupting whatever it was she was going to say.

Rory relaxed into the kiss and in that instant, she almost forgot for a moment what she had said but suddenly she brought herself back into the room and reality and broke away from the kiss. The kiss had been so passionate it had just about taken her breath away and she felt all flushed. She looked carefully at Logan – she had no doubt in her mind that he loved her completely but she could also sense that for some reason, he was holding back from her and she didn't know why.

Suddenly feeling very uncomfortable about the situation, Rory pulled away from Logan "I...I just need to go and get some water" she said as she left his arms and headed towards the door.

"Rory!" Logan called after her but she didn't respond. She couldn't bring herself to look back at him, as hot tears were already forming in her brilliant blue eyes and she didn't want him to see her cry. She cursed herself as she walked away – trying to make a quick escape while heavily pregnant, wearing a full-length gown and six-inch heels really wasn't all that easy she thought as she made her way out of the room.

Lorelai, who just moments earlier had been happily watching the couple together, had witnessed something unfolding on the dance floor in front of her. "I'll be right back," she said to Luke. She was worried for her daughter, so she discreetly followed her out of the room to find out what was going on.


Rory stepped outside into the courtyard for some fresh air and put her hands in her head as she positioned herself to sit on the edge of the fountain.

"Ror? Are you okay?" Lorelai came up behind Rory and put her hand on her daughter's arm. "What's going on?" she asked.

Rory looked up at Lorelai "Oh mom, I am so stupid. STUPID! Why on earth did I think this was a good time to bring all this up!"

"Bring what up hun? What happened?" Lorelai inquired gently.

Rory chewed on her lip "I asked Logan..." she started before pausing "I asked Logan if he was ever going to ask me to marry him again".

"Oh, okay." Lorelai grimaced " didn't go well?"

"You could say that" Rory laughed sarcastically.

"What did he say?" Lorelai looked at her daughter, whose face was displaying a range of emotions – confusion, fear, upset, worry – she just wanted to sweep her up and make it all better for her. The past year had just been so hard for Rory.

"He didn't say anything! That's the problem. He just looked horrified!" Rory threw her hands up in the air.

"I'm sure he wasn't horrified," Lorelai said "It's not really the type of news that horrifies. Someone intimating they want to marry you, that's good news. Finding half a worm in your half-eaten peach? That classes as horrifying"

Rory stood up pacing the floor "Well he didn't exactly look like he was thrilled"

"Perhaps he was just....." Lorelai searched for a word that wouldn't upset or offend her extremely hormonal daughter "...surprised?"

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