Chapter 39

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Logan looked at Rory in shock "What do you mean your water has broke? Are you sure?"

"Well either that or I've just peed myself a little and I am really hoping that I've not lost all control of my bodily functions quite yet..." Rory joked. "It doesn't feel like much, but there is definitely a...trickle," she said as she wrinkled her nose.

"But you're only just coming up to 35 weeks, this is too early!" Logan gasped. "Are you in pain?"

"Logan, babies don't come to a schedule!" she rolled her eyes. "No, no pain, nothing" she shrugged.

"Lorelai!" Logan shouted across the room.

Lorelai looked up to see Logan beckoning her over. "What's up kids!" she said with a grin.

"Rory thinks her water just broke," Logan said.

"What! Really? Are you sure you've not just peed yourself?" Lorelai asked.

"Mom! No, I haven't peed myself!" Rory said exasperatedly.

"C'mon, I think we'd better take you to the hospital to get you checked out Ace," Logan said leading her off the dance floor "Lorelai, can you let people know where we are going? I'm sure we will be back soon".


Rory and Logan sat outside the doctor's room waiting to be called in.

"How do you feel?" Logan asked Rory anxiously.

"Logan, will you stop asking me that, I feel fine! No different than I did a few hours ago, just slightly damper! I probably don't even need to be here."

The door opened and Dr Levine greeted them. "Rory, Logan...good to see you again, albeit, slightly overdressed for the occasion one might say?" she smiled as she took in their outfits.

"We've just got married" Rory smiled.

"Congratulations!" Dr Levine said as she ushered them into the room "and baby didn't want to miss out on the fun huh? Tell me, what's been happening, Rory." The doctor said as she took a seat at her desk.

"Well not much really, we were dancing and then I felt like I was leaking some liquid. This isn't how it's supposed to start is it?" Rory asked.

Dr Levine laughed "The birthing process can start in all kinds of weird and wonderful ways. Any contractions?"

"No, nothing. I've felt a bit achy today, my back hurts a bit, but I guess that's because I've been on my feet a lot in the past 24 hours".

"Okay. Well, you're coming up to 35 weeks so I am going to check you over and see what's what. If your waters have broken then the clock is going to start ticking – it will mean that whatever happens your baby will be arriving in the next few days due to the potential risk of infection if we leave you too long." Dr Levine smiled. "Can you slip into this gown and hop up on the bed over there and I'll be right with you".


Dr Levine carried out an internal examination to see if she could see what was going on. "Okay Rory, well I can see that your waters have indeed broken –you've experienced what we call PPROM – preterm prelabour rupture of membranes. The good news is that I would say that baby will make an appearance in the very near future. You're already 3cm dilated but the monitor isn't picking up any strong contractions yet. I imagine the aches and pains you have been feeling so far have been mild contractions. What I suggest is that we keep you here and see if you have progressed within the next few hours. If things aren't moving along we can carry out a sweep to see if that hurries baby along."

Rory looked at Logan open-mouthed. Of all the things to happen today, this was not one of the things she had expected. Perhaps Baby Huntzberger wanted to take over the reins of chief mischief-maker from his daddy, she thought to herself.

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