Chapter 13

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"Logan!" Rory screamed after him in horror, tripping over herself in the rush to put on her shoes and coat as fast as she could. 

Jess stood up and followed her. He grabbed her arm "Perhaps you should let him go and cool down, he'll come back"

"No! I can't let him leave like this" Rory said shaking him off and glancing back over her shoulder at Jess as she dashed out of the house to follow him. When Rory got outside she was relieved to see that his car was still park outside but he was nowhere to be seen. "Frank!" Rory said, her eyes pleading. Frank, Logan's driver gestured with a nod of his head, towards the beach. Rory closed her eyes and shouted a thank you as she ran off in the direction of the beach.

As she reached the beach she bumped straight into Lorelai and Luke who were just returning from their walk with Paul Anka. "Hey hey slow down kiddo" Lorelai said grabbing an out of breath Rory by the shoulders "What are you doing?" she asked looking confused. "I really don't think pregnancy is the time to decide you want to become an Olympic sprinter! Us Gilmore Girls aren't known for our sporting prowess at the best of time..." Lorelai joked.

Rory tried to catch her breath. "Lo..." she gasped "Logan" she managed to splutter.

Lorelai looked around in confusion "He's here?" she asked.

Rory nodded regaining her composure "well he was, but he just walked in and saw me and Jess and..."

"And saw you and Jess WHAT?" Luke said looking annoyed all of a sudden.

"Nothing, we were just lying on the sofa watching a movie but well, it must have looked bad to him," Rory said. "Sorry mom, I have to go, I have to go find him".

Lorelai sighed "Just be careful Rory, you're carrying precious cargo there, more speed less haste," she said, "no" she shook her head "that's not quite right is it? More haste less speed, that's it".

"Mom!" Rory looked at her mother exasperated. "Can I...?" she said gesturing before running onto the beach, looking left and right before she saw him standing near the water's edge.


Logan had been so excited to come to Nantucket and surprise Rory, just like the old days. What he hadn't bargained for however was to find her looking so comfortable with Jess. Lying there, curled up on the sofa together, they had looked just so much like a couple and it was more than he could take. For some reason Jess had always got under his skin.

He knew that he'd been vacant since he'd last seen Rory in London but her turning up at his office like she had, well that had been an awful lot for him to process. That's before taking  he could even take the others facts into consideration  - that she had absolutely taken his breath away, that he knew he still loved her, that she had told him she was carrying his baby and then – that he then went and slept with her to add to the confusion. Communication had never been his strong point and he realised it was something he was going to have to rectify if he was going to make this work with Rory; she wasn't someone who could easily be fobbed off or pacified, and he loved that about her.

The break-up with Odette had been as unpleasant as he had expected. Logan decided that, for once, honesty was the best policy and he went ahead and told her all about Rory and the baby. Odette had flipped out, of course, she was raging mad with him for what she saw as a massive betrayal but finally, after going through a spectrum of emotions, she admitted that she wasn't entirely happy herself. Odette knew that she didn't love Logan and she badly missed her home in but she was worried about how the cancelled engagement would reflect on her. The coming together of two major dynasties had been big news so the dissolution of the relationship was bound to be even bigger. After a lot of talking Odette agreed to let Logan handle and deal with the fallout and she also agreed to give him time to break the news directly to his parents, before she breathed a word of it anywhere else. Logan felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Odette could be fiery when she wanted to but he sensed that she was more than a little relieved to be escaping what was set to be a loveless marriage.

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