Chapter 26

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Rory got up off the bed and wandered into the living room of their apartment. Despite the call from Logan setting her off and making her cry, it had seemed to make her feel a bit better, just hearing his voice had soothed her. She looked around their new home. They'd only spent a few short days together, yet there were already signs of Logan all around. Now they had spent time there, Rory felt that she was finally ready to move in to the apartment properly especially as she felt much more of a connection to Logan there than she did in Stars Hollow. She started to wonder what her 'gift' would be. You could never second-guess Logan; he was always full of surprises – like the time he left her the rocket. As it turned out she didn't have to wait too long to find out, as just moments later the doorman called up to say that her gift had arrived and he was sending it up.

When there was a gentle tap at the door, Rory walked over and slowly opened it, only to find Lorelai standing on the other side, with armfuls of junk food.

"Mom!" Rory squealed loudly "You're my gift?"

"I know, I know," Lorelai said walking into the apartment "Better than diamonds aren't I?" she said wriggling her eyebrows at her daughter.

"Much better" Rory laughed "Though, I don't understand why you are here?" Rory said hugging her mom.

"Well, Logan was worried about you and so he called me yesterday at the inn and asked if I could perhaps take some time off and stay with you for a few know to buck you up a bit."

"It's really nice of you to come all the way here mom but I'm fine honestly" Rory smiled at Lorelai.

"Pffft! He's got me here on the promise that he has also arranged for some pretty damn delicious Chinese food to be delivered tonight – it's not all about you, you know?" Lorelai winked.

Rory rolled her eyes and laughed. She shook her head "I can't believe Logan thinks I need a babysitter"

"Oh come on, he's gone back until who knows when...and well, you're allowed to wallow a little bit" Lorelai said putting her arm around her daughter.

Rory took a deep breath. She relaxed her shoulders and sighed "Good because I feel like complete crap right now".

"And that's why mommy is here!" Lorelai said laying out the mountain of snacks on the table in front of them. "...and really, the biggest thing we are going to have to worry about tonight is whether we're going to watch Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles? Either way, it's going to involve a healthy dose of a teenage-angst filled Molly Ringwald"

"Just what we need!" Rory giggled. Somehow her mom always knew exactly how to take her mind off things and she loved Logan a little bit more just for knowing that would be what she needed.


"Ror, how is it possible you don't have a hairdryer" Lorelai shouted from the bathroom. They had decided to get into their PJs before the food arrived and Lorelai couldn't resist testing out Rory's new luxury oversized rain shower in the master suite.

"Of course I do" Rory yelled back. "I've just erm, not located it yet, but you can definitely use it if you can find it. It's in a box, in the spare bedroom, cunningly labelled 'Rory'" she shouted.

"This is a trick. They're all labelled Rory aren't they?" Lorelai eyed her daughter suspiciously as she walked down the hallway.

Lorelai opened the first door she came to. "Oh my God!" she screamed.

"Mom?! What's the matter are you okay?" Rory said rushing to see what had spooked Lorelai.

"You're having a boy!" Lorelai said bursting into tears.

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