Chapter 15

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Rather than return to Stars Hollow with Luke and Lorelai, Logan and Rory had decided to extend their stay in Nantucket until the New Year. Emily was only too happy to have the company and they were both aware that they were living on borrowed time. As soon as the Huntzbergers got wind of the news, their old life as they knew it was going to change considerably so they wanted to keep some normality as long as possible and just exist in the little bubble of happiness they had found themselves in.

As Logan had been living in London, other than his parent's house he had no real place to stay and as they were still delaying breaking the news to his family, this wasn't really an option for him. Lorelai kindly suggested that she give Logan and Rory a room at The Dragonfly Inn, which Rory and Logan were more than happy to make use of. While Lorelai wouldn't have seen Logan check into a hotel somewhere, she did have to be honest about her motives - her generosity wasn't really all that altruistic – she had bemoaned to Luke only that morning that she didn't think she could take much more of Logan and Rory's puppy dog eyes and fawning over each other.


Rory flopped down on the bed and bounced a little on the mattress "These are good beds. It was nice of mom to give us the room." she said to Logan who was lying next to her.

"Very" he said pulling her over so he could kiss her "For one, it's a lot more private and I don't have to worry about your mom, or even worse, Luke walking in on us while we do this" he said, laughing as Rory pushed him off her and got up to put her PJs on.

"Wow Ace, you're really taking shape now!" Logan smiled as Rory undressed herself.

Rory looked at her side profile in the full-length mirror. She was just over four months now and she had definitely popped out in the past week. She put her hand on her rounded tummy and wrinkled her nose at Logan self-consciously.


"I look fat" Rory complained.

"Don't be ridiculous. You look beautiful and you're only going to get more beautiful as time goes on." Logan said. Standing behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed them on her tummy. "Good job you're not really trying to hide it anymore, though, there's no way you'd sneak this past anyone now." Logan laughed.

Rory felt nervous. They were due to meet the Huntzbergers in a few days and this was going to come as somewhat of a shock to them as yes, she thought looking into the mirror, it was blindingly obvious that the size of her tummy was nothing to do with the amount of tacos she had been eating recently.


Logan had decided that before they told his parents the happy news, he needed to let his sister Honor in on the secret. They were still very close and he knew that she would be hurt if she didn't hear the news direct from him. Rory had smiled, she was happy to go along to see his sister, she had always liked Honor. Though they were completely different people, Honor been nothing but kind and welcoming to Rory and she was looking forward to reconnecting with her after all these years.

As Logan and Rory stood outside Honor's Hartford house, Rory felt those old familiar butterflies. Man, I hope she is happy about this, Rory said to herself silently. She badly wanted this to go well, so at least one person in the Huntzberger family would be pleased for them.

"Baby brother!" Honor opened the door and wildly threw her arms around Logan before noticing that there was someone else stood next to him. She had to look twice before she threw her hand up to her mouth and screeched loudly.

"Rory! Oh my gosh!" Honor said gobsmacked "What a complete surprise," she said shooting a look back at Logan who said nothing but offered her a cheeky smile back in the way of response.

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