Chapter 7

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Settling down in Colin's jet for the long flight ahead, Rory felt truly grateful that she had some solid people in her life that she could rely on at times like this. Her mom had always pushed back against the society way of life and being associated with wealthy people, but as Rory relaxed back into her seat on the private jet that Finn had been able to arrange with Colin at a moments notice, she was definitely enjoying the perks.

After take off, the hostess brought drinks for Finn and Rory, scotch for him, soda for her and the two of them sat laughing and joking, reminiscing about their days at Yale and some of the crazy things that they had all got up to. "As I remember it, Finn, you spent more time out of your clothes than in them" she laughed "And do you remember when you pulled that ridiculous stunt in my class, with Colin and Logan? I was so mad!"

They continued to laugh and talk while they enjoyed some dinner. "I could definitely get used to travelling like this, it's certainly a more comfortable experience," Rory said reclining back in her seat, thinking of all the times she'd been squashed in cattle class on her previous transatlantic flights.

"You should try and get some shut-eye," Finn said, "there are a good few hours before we land in London".

"I've got so much on my mind Finn, I'm not sure if I can. What if he's not there? Or even worse, what if she is there?"

"Relax darling, I spoke to our dear boy earlier today before we left. He knows that I'm flying in. He doesn't know about you of course, but I thought it best not to say, make it a nice surprise" Finn laughed "And you needn't worry about Odette, she's in Paris, she's gone home early for Christmas. Now, try and get some sleep young lady, I have a feeling you're going to need all your energy for the next few days."

Rory knew Finn was right, and she was feeling extremely tired. Growing a baby seemed to take way more energy that she'd ever imagined it could, plus with everything being so up in the air, sleep hadn't come very easily to her recently. As she was drifting off, she couldn't help but run through various scenarios in her head, trying to imagine how things would go, planning the conversation she was going to have in her head but before she knew it, she had drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Finn looked over at Rory sleeping. He was quietly confident about how things were going to go for her. He'd spoken to Logan several times over the past few months and it was clear he wasn't happy. They'd hardly mentioned Rory's name, of course, Logan had all but closed down on any conversations that involved her but Finn had only taken that as a good sign. He's not over her. I just hope he can be man enough to stand up and admit it he thought to himself.

As they approached London, Finn gently woke Rory up. "Wow, how long did I sleep for? We're there?"

"Almost my love!"

It was a gentle landing and as they descended the steps from Colin's private jet, Rory could see that there was a car waiting on the tarmac for them already.

"You boys, you think of everything" she laughed at Finn.

It was about an hours journey from the airport to the hotel and even though Rory had made this trip several times in the past few years, she still enjoyed looking at the window at London and taking it all in. She'd always loved London but it was particularly spell-binding at this time of year with Christmas lights and festive shop displays everywhere. The car pulled up outside The Dorchester where they were quickly ushered inside and whisked upstairs to their luxury accommodation, the Harlequin Suite.

"I booked us into the same suite darling, I hope you don't mind," Finn said with a wink "Two bedrooms, don't worry, you'll probably only have to see me naked once or twice at the most," he said putting his arm around Rory. Finn had grown very protective of Rory and he had started to feel a bit nervous himself now they had arrived in London.

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