Chapter 27

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A few mainly uneventful weeks passed by, with Logan still working hard in London. Rory hated every minute of the time they spent apart but somehow, the longer they were apart meant fewer goodbyes and that seemed to make it all a bit easier, as the goodbyes were the hardest part. It had been six very long weeks since Rory had seen Logan. Despite numerous plans for him to come back for a weekend visit, something had always gotten in the way – Mitchum working in the London office for a few weeks hadn't helped but now he was back in the US she was hopeful that Logan might be able to make it back for a visit.

She had spent much of this time apart, tucked away in their new study busily working on her book. Inspiration wasn't coming as quickly as it had before but losing herself in her writing tended to take her mind off things, if only for a while. Rory had hoped that by now her book would be nearly finished but there had been so much going on, she hadn't wanted to rush it. She was still really nervous about what Lorelai would think of it when she finally read it but she tried to push those thoughts to the back of her mind.

Rory stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, smoothing down the front of her dress. Honor had called and invited her out to Sunday brunch and as it had been weeks since they'd seen each other, Rory jumped at the chance. She had settled on a baby blue dress with a cream sash that just sat on top of her bump and a pair of nude heels to complete the look.

As she ran her hand over her tummy, she froze. Rory had been feeling little flutters of baby movement inside for the past couple of weeks but this was the first time she had actually been able to feel movement from the outside. She felt immensely happy at this new development but at the same time, a huge wave of sadness swept over her when she thought how much Logan would have loved to have felt it too.


"Rory, you look absolutely stunning," Honor said sweeping Rory into her arms. "Just look at you!"

"Thanks, Honor, I'm not really feeling all that stunning but these days, I'll take the compliments where I can get them!".

"Hows the new apartment? I heard that my mother dropped by..."

"Oh yes, that was as lovely as you can imagine" Rory rolled her eyes "It's a great apartment, I really love being there. We're just about there with it now, you should come see it one day" Rory smiled.

Honor and Rory made pleasant small talk over their brunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Rory liked spending time with Honor who was always friendly and a lot of fun to be around, and she relished the opportunity to do nothing but chat and gossip for a few hours.

"So how are you really doing Rory? I know it must be hard without Logan here" Honor looked at Rory sympathetically.

"Truthfully? Some days are fine, others not so much" Rory sighed "I miss him so much but really, I guess I am just so sad about what he is missing by not being here." Rory said absentmindedly stroking her bump.

"What do you mean?" Honor said gently, resting her hand on Rory's arm.

"Well, just this morning was the first time that I have been able to feel the baby kick from the outside and that's something that Logan should share in, right? It just upsets me that he wasn't here to feel his son kicking." Rory said looking sadly at Honor.

"Wait, you're having a boy?" Honor said excitedly.

"Yes," Rory said placing her hand on her bump, smiling.

"That's lovely news! I didn't know!"

"Oh, well, we've not really told many people's not common knowledge". Rory said reassuring Honor so that she didn't feel that she had been left out.

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