Chapter 28

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Rory waited impatiently in the arrivals area of the airport, shuffling from foot to foot. She actually couldn't believe that Logan was finally coming home for good. They were crowds of people filing out, being greeted by their loved ones but as yet, she had seen no sign of the one person that she was looking for. She sighed and looked at her watch. Just then she felt two hands snake around her waist and land gently on her bump. She smiled before turning around.

"Logan Huntzberger, how is it that you still manage to surprise me even when I am waiting for you? Did you just manage to sneak past me wearing a disguise? Glasses and a fake moustache?" she laughed.

"Hey Ace," Logan said planting a kiss firmly on her lips.

"At least for once we can have a proper welcome home - no surprising me when I'm covered in Cheeto dust this time..."

"Hey, I like that cheesy taste on the lips" he smirked "tangy!"

Rory rolled her eyes and pulled Logan by the hand. "Come on, I've got Frank waiting for us outside," she said before dragging him in the direction of their waiting limo.

The relaxed in the back of the car and held hands tightly.

"I can't believe this is it - we're finally together," Rory said excitedly "It all feels too much like a dream. Like it's too good to be true."

"Ah well, maybe it is Ace..." Logan said slowly and carefully.

Rory looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I've got" Logan hesitated.

"Are we talking good or bad news?" Rory asked with a raised eyebrow "because it sounds bad and I'm not sure I really want anything to kill my buzz right now..."

"It depends on..."

"On what?" Rory asked.

"On how you feel about going to a party at my parent's house"

Rory blinked slowly. "Excuse me? A party?"

Logan sighed. "You know what my parents are like. My mom called last night just before I left London and said she was throwing a party at the house to 'welcome' me home" he shook his head. "You know how I hate these things, but she has insisted..."

"And this involves" Rory played innocent.

"C'mon Ace, you're not going to leave me to face this on my own are you?" he said kissing her gently.

"Oh no Huntzberger! That's not going to work on me this time" she said sternly, though she could feel herself weakening as he moved the kisses down her neck towards her collarbone.

"Please?" he tried to persuade her "Pretty please..."

"Logan!" she squealed as he ran his hand up her thigh.

"Don't make me beg..."

"Now there's a thought. I'd like to see that..." she winked "Oh okay, but I'm going to need to go shopping as this..." she said pointing down at her bump " not going to fit into any of my cocktail dresses."

"That can be easily arranged" Logan smiled "Thanks, Ace", he said pulling her close "I can't wait to show you off"


"So, what is it exactly that we are looking for?" Lorelai asked as she browsed the racks in what she believed to be the seventh designer store they had been in that day.

"Something that doesn't make me look quite as much like a beached whale" Rory groaned.

Lorelai sucked in her breath "Tall order kid"

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