Chapter 6

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As she caught the first glimpse of her unborn child, Rory reached over for the reassuring hand of the man sitting beside her. Finn gave her hand a squeeze and she noticed that she wasn't the only one in the room who was having a bit of a teary moment at that time.

Rory had just seen her baby, their baby, for the first time and it was every bit as magical as she might have expected. She was so grateful to Finn that he had agreed to come with her to see the doctor but she couldn't help feeling sad about the absence of Logan in her life. He should have been here to see this she thought as she witnessed the tiniest little heartbeat flickering on the screen in front of her.

"Everything is looking great Rory," Dr Levine said as she ran the Doppler over Rory's lower tummy "and I'd say looking at this that you were just coming up to 12 weeks? Does that match with your dates?"

"Yes," Rory whispered, hardly believing that it had been twelve whole weeks since she had last spoke to Logan, the morning after the incredible night before in New Hampshire.

Rory thought about that night constantly. She could still remember the look on his face as they had laid in bed together in the small hours of the morning, just talking – saying anything other than the words that should have been said. Rory hated herself for leaving them hanging in the air between them, just because she had been too afraid of what might happen. The pain that she had felt saying goodbye to Logan that morning was still so real. Out of everyone who had come and gone in her life, she never imagined that they would end like that. She never thought there would be such a defined last kiss between them. It was my choice Rory had tried to remind herself. She had known for a while, deep in her heart that things had to end – she couldn't carry on being the other woman. It wasn't fair to her and it wasn't fair to Odette, whatever anyone thought of her. Rory had hoped Logan would fight for her, but when it came down to it, it had simply let her walk away.

"Rory, you okay there darling?" Finn asked

"Oh yeah, sorry Finn," Rory said realising she had got lost in her own thoughts.

"Would you like to take some copies of the scan away with you? How many would you like?" Dr Levine asked.

"Yes, please – erm..," Rory stopped to mentally count for a moment, "I think about six should do it".

"Great, you can pick those up on your way out at reception Rory. I'll see you again in about six weeks – we'll be able to tell you the gender then if you're interested, so make sure Daddy doesn't miss that one" Dr Levine said with a wink.

Rory squirmed. She'd been a bit reluctant and embarrassed to admit that she was doing this alone. She had introduced Finn as a friend and told Dr Levine that the father was busy at work and unable to get away.

"Oh, yes" Rory stumbled "I'm sure he won't want to miss that."

"Very good. Don't forget to keep up with your prenatal vitamins too, and make sure she cuts down on that coffee!" Dr Levine shot a look at Finn.

Finn helped Rory off the bed and she adjusted her clothes before collecting the scan pictures and heading outside into the Hartford Street. It was still winter but it was a gloriously sunny day so they grabbed a coffee – Finn insisting on decaf for Rory, and they settled on a park bench to watch the world go by.

"Well that was really something quite magnificent wasn't it, my darling"

"It certainly was Finn," Rory said, still not quite believing that she was carrying a baby inside her. "The worst part? It's just dawned on me that I have to get this thing out somehow" She grimaced. She had never been good with pain.

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