Chapter 38

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After all the emotional speeches were done and dusted, Rory and Logan spent some much needed time talking with all their guests.

Rory still couldn't quite believe that Logan had managed to sneak around behind her back and arrange for all her nearest and dearest to join them at such short notice. She had been especially impressed with how he'd managed to arrange for Zach to take time off work with the boys so that Lane could get into the city to be there for her best friends big day. She hadn't been able to get back to Stars Hollow as much as she would have liked recently and she had really missed talking to Lane. Logan had always been the master of surprises and once again, he had completely pulled it out of the bag. Not that Rory would have minded had it just been them for the day – she was more than happy with the decision to elope – but it had made it all the more special that their loved ones could share in the excitement with them.

As Logan made his way around the room he felt very pleased with himself. It had been a real effort to try and get all the most important people in their lives there but he had really wanted to make the day special for Rory. As much as it had been her idea to elope, he was fully aware just how important her friends and family were to her and so when she had disappeared off to buy her dress, he had immediately started calling everyone so that they could make their plans to head into the city.


"Lane! I'm so glad that you came" Rory said as she hugged her oldest friend.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't have missed this for the world!" Lane squealed.

"Can you believe after all these years we've finally done it?" Rory asked waving her wedding ring at her friend.

"Do you know what? I can believe it! It was always meant to be this way, you know?" Lane sighed as she smiled at Rory "I might not have always approved, but I think we all knew that you'd eventually get to this point".

Rory nodded. Lane had been particularly supportive of her the previous year and she would always be grateful. Rory had found herself somewhat lost, almost floundering, with no home, no job and she had got herself into this 'agreement' with Logan, which was something Lane had viewed as a potentially destructive relationship – if that's what it could be called at all - but still, Lane had pushed her own feelings to the side and remained steadfast in her support of Rory.

"Thanks, Lane," Rory said putting her hand on top of her friend's hand "You've been such a good friend to me, I don't know what I would have done without you this past year."

Lane squeezed Rory's hand and smiled at her "Oh you'd have been fine, you've got that Gilmore Girl ability to bounce back, just like your mom! Speaking of the Gilmore Girls..." Lane pointed to the other two Gilmore women who were approaching them.

"Come here kid" Lorelai called to Rory with her arms open wide. Rory smiled as her mom gave her the biggest, warmest hug.

"You're not mad are you mom? I mean, honestly?" Rory looked at Lorelai carefully. Marrying Logan was something that she had wanted to do immediately but she hadn't wanted to hurt anyone in the process and she hoped that underneath it all, her family were okay with their decision.

"No! Of course not. Actually, I am relieved more than anything..." Lorelai laughed.

"Relieved?" Rory asked, looking a bit puzzled.

"Yes! Relieved! Boy oh boy, you two have had so many ups and downs and misunderstandings over the past few months, I wasn't sure that we'd ever see this day!" Lorelai exclaimed "but I am really glad we did" she winked.

"Hello Rory," Emily said to her granddaughter.

Rory looked at her grandma nervously. "Hey grandma...," she said as she bit her lip. "I am really glad you could make it from Nantucket, I know it's a long journey for you."

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