Chapter 36

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"Great, so, I'll see you at 3 pm then. Can't wait!"

Rory smiled as she placed her cell phone down on the counter in the kitchen. It had been months since she'd last seen Jess and he'd just called her to let her know he was in New York. They'd arranged to meet up for coffee later that day and Rory was looking forward to catching up with one of her oldest friends and finding out what he had been up to. Only now, she found herself wrestling with whether she should tell Logan that she was meeting Jess. She had nothing to hide but she didn't normally update him on her daily whereabouts so she kind of felt that it would feel like it was turning the impromptu catch-up into a bigger deal than it was.


"Well, there she is!" Jess stood up with his arms open wide. Rory smiled and gave Jess a big hug. "Wow Rory you are huge!" he said looking her up and down.

Rory playfully slapped Jess "That's not polite!" she said pouting. "I've missed you".

"I missed you too Rory," Jess said as they both sat down at the table. "So what's new with you?"

"Oh, you know, not much, I'm getting fatter by the day..." she said rolling her eyes and patting her tummy. "We're having a boy, did you know that?"

"Luke told me," Jess said, "I really thought you'd have a girl."

"And Logan asked me to marry him," Rory said holding up her hand to display her impressive engagement ring.

"I heard that rumour" Jess smiled "Congratulations. So you're finally officially being taken off the market...when's the big day?"

"Oh, we've not set a date yet, but soonish I guess? Logan would like to do it this year but..." Rory trailed off.

"...but? Not keen? I figured you'd be marching him down that aisle!" Jess laughed.

"I'm very keen!" Rory said raising her eyebrows "I'm just not quite ready"

"Doubts?" Jess said with a smirk.

"No! Not at all" Rory said, "I'm absolutely sure that Logan and I belong together..." Rory felt uncomfortable and seized the moment to move the conversation on. "Anyhow, enough about me, what about you? Any love interest at the moment?"

"Well, now you come to mention it..." Jess said shyly.

"Jess you dark horse! Tell me more!"

Jess told Rory all about his new girlfriend Georgia. She was also a writer, who had just had her first book published by the company Jess worked for. He had met her at a recent launch event and they had immediately clicked. "It's all very new" Jess smirked "but so far, so good. I think you'll really like her." he said to Rory.

Rory smiled "Well, in that case, I hope I get to meet her very soon! You sound happy Jess, I'm glad".

He was happy. Jess had spent a long time fighting his feelings for Rory but he had always known that ultimately Logan was the guy for her. He was just grateful that after all these years they had been able to maintain a close friendship, he knew that whatever happened they'd be friends forever. Georgia had come into his life just at the right time, and for the first time since meeting Rory, he felt that elusive spark he had been searching for all these years and he had a really good feeling about this one.


Jess looked at the time on his watch "Shoot Rory, I've got to run. I'm heading back to Philly for a launch thing tonight."

Rory and Jess said their goodbyes. "Don't be a stranger Jess?" Rory said kissing him gently on the cheek "This baby is going to need his Uncle Jess to keep him grounded" she smiled "and don't forget, I want to meet Georgia!"

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