Spy Fly

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Lunas P.O.V

I walked around the school, trying to find Chase. When I finally find him, he's holding a baby? What the holy hell?

"Chase? What in sweet baby jesus is going on?" I ask as I walked over to him.

"Health class" He answered simply. I looked at him with wide eyes. I mean don't get me wrong, Chase looks H-O-T with the baby in his arms. But we are to young for this shit. What if me and Chase has a baby one day? Could we? We have to have sex first. Wait now I'm confusing myself. There's probably gonna be a mini bionic Black Arrow running around.

"Luna" Chase said and snapped his fingers in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze and looked at him confused.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, just thinking" I said smiling at Chase. 

"About what?"  Chase said, smirking at me. I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm thinking about.

"Nothing, can we drop it?" I asked and playfully slapped his arm. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss before dragging me over to the others. I saw Bree looking upset and walking away. I followed her and grabbed her shoulder to make her stop walking.

"Hey Bree, you okay?" I asked concerned for my bestfriend. She turned around to face me and shook her head.

"No I'm not. Leo used Davenport's stupid Spy Fly to cheat off of my test. Thanks because of him I failed my test! I'm so not okay right now!" She yelled. I gave her a hug and she let out deep breath.

"You want me to go Black Arrow on his ass?" I asked her. She chuckled at me before shaking her head.

"No, I can deal with Leo myself" She said. I nodded my head and walked over to Chase. Just as I was about to talk the bell rang.

"I'll be going home now, Chase call me when you can!" I yelled and walked out of school. When I got home, Logan looked all nervous and stressed.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked and put my bag on the counter while grabbing something to drink.

"Do you remember the guy that I said was dangerous?" He asked and sat down from across me.

"Yeah, the one who can kill me, pshh" I said in an unbelieving voice.

"Well whatever you think of him, he's in town and he threathened to hurt you Luna" Logan said and started shaking from anger.

"Hey, calm down. I'm Black Arrow, I'll be fine" I said and held his hands. He breathed out slowly and nodded his head. After that I went up to my room and fell asleep.

Next day at school was like chaos. Thanks because of Leo, Perry installed the Spy Flies as her security system in school. I'm going to kill him now. When I see Leo's face I'm going to break it in half.

"Luna!" Leo said and ran over to me with Bree hot on his heels. I gave him a death glare and slapped him across the face.

"OWW!!" He said and looked at me. I glared at him and he went behind Bree.

"What the hell Leo?!?" I asked and Bree turned around facing Leo with the same expression as me.

Bree and Leo started talking again and I went into the cafeteria to meet Chase and Adam. Once I walked through the doors I saw both of the boys fighting with the babies. Like what the holy hell? Chase could be a very good father if he wouldn't use his baby as a weapon.

"Guys! What the hell!" I yell and the stop fighting. I look at them and they both shrugged. My head is about to explode if something bad happens one more time.

We walked out of the cafeteria and there were flies everywhere.

"I leave for 5 minutes and this happeneds!" I yell over to Leo. A couple of flies takes Adam's baby and starts to fly away with it.

"My baby! Somebody do something! Chase throw your baby to get mine down" Adam said to Chase.

"No way!" Chase yelled to Adam. My head is like literally about to explode..

"But it's gonna get hurt" Adam said to Chase sadly.

"Hurt? Adam it's a plastic doll" Chase said. I started dozing off into my own little world until I saw Chase throw his baby to get Adam's baby down. Okay, if he starts doing crazy shit like that, then I'm not gonna get kids ever.

Chase got the baby down and Bree helped Leo get the flies away after he agreed to tell Perry he cheated on the test. I smiled at those two and walked to Chase who looked kinda sad.

"Hey, I'm gonna leave home. You wanna stop by later?" I asked him and kissed his cheek. He got a small smile on his face and I knew I made him somewhat more happy.

"Yeah, I'll stop by" He said. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then walked out of school. When I got home I went straight up to my room and did my homework.

Later that day, Chase stopped by, just like he said. But he had a baby with him.

"What the hell?" I asked as he stepped into my room.

"This is Ted. I borrowed him from Adam" Chase said and put him down beside me on the bed. Chase then layed down on the bed with his head on my lap. I looked down at him and smiled. 

"What?" He asked. Something that I usually ask between us.

"You are really good with babies" I said and looked at the baby beside me.

"You wanna try playing a mother role?" Chase asked and looked me up in the eyes.

"Sure, but if I fail, it's your fault" I said and gave him a wink. He chuckled at me and grabbed the baby. He showed me how to hold it and what to do. The baby started crying and I started swinging him slowly in my arms.

I was humming a song and the baby fell asleep. It was fun, cause the baby is made out of plastic. I smiled at the baby before laying it down beside me. I looked up at Chase and saw him already smiling at me with a toothy grin.

"What?" I asked, in my turn.

"You would be a great mother" Chase said and leaned in closer to me.

"Can we stop with the baby stuff now? We're only teenagers" I said. He laughed at me before smashing his lips on mine. I was shocked but slowly moved mine in sync with his. I started smiling which caused him to smile which made us to stop kissing.

Chase stayed over a couple of hours before he had to leave. I kissed him goodbye and went up to my room. I layed down on my bed and started thinking. Holy shit! I have my birthday in a week. Well I guess I have to skip it again, like always.

I layed on my bed and felt my phone vibrating. I picked it up and saw Leo's number.

*Phone Call*

LD: Luna!

LC: Yeah?

LD: Your birthday's in a week!

LC: I know

LD: I'm telling the rats! Bye! 

*Phone Call Ended*

Now what the hell was that about? I'm just gonna drop it and go to sleep. I closed my eyes and darkness took over..


First chapter of the new Black Arrow!! I was kinda tired when I wrote this story, so if there are any mistakes, then whatever.

I hope you liked it!

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~Sincerely Rebecca ;)

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