Cookies And Skating

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Lunas P.O.V

The cuts and bruises still hurt like hell after the fight incident with Marcus and Douglas but they're healing. The day after the incident I was to sore to even get up from bed.

My body ached and everytime I moved or something mistakenly touched my bruise it hurt like hell. Once it hurt so much that tears started to fall from my eyes.

Logan had been out that day so when he found me like the way I was, he immediately rushed to my side and helped me.

He told me that mom was again on a business trip but he had been hiding in the basement for her to even acknowledge him. Logan actually started to be the brother I once knew and it actually surprises me that I can trust him somewhat again.

Logan had also called Chase which made Chase run over here in like seconds. No literally, he demanded Bree to get him here in seconds.

When Chase came into my room, no wait, let me rephrase that. When Chase stormed into my room he looked like he had been running a mile or something.

He looked worried, he was sweating and he was breathing hard. I told him to calm down and slowly gave him a kiss which actually made him calm down. After that he layed by my side the whole time or brought me things that I needed. Or what Chase thought I needed. 

He and his stupid smarts...The funniest thing or more like a weird thing, is that Chase didn't almost let me go to the bathroom alone. He made up some dumb excuses like, "You could fall and hit your head" or "What if you cut yourself?". 

But in the end with my glares and comebacks, I got to go to the bathroom. But that all happened a week ago. Right now I'm laying on the roof of my house with Chase and we were looking up at the sky.

It was dark outside and you could see perfectly the stars shining bright. I leaned in closer to Chase and felt his arms wrap around my waist as he kissed my temple.

"The stars are really beautiful" I commented. 

"Not as beautiful as you" Chase whispered in my ear. I chuckled before responding to him.

"Are you using a pickup line on me?" 

"No, I'm stating reality" Chase shrugged and I smiled. I turned around to face him and slowly leaned in. Chase cupped my face as he gently layed his lips on mine. It was soft and sweet and I liked it.

Chase hasn't really wanted to kiss me or he really does, like badly, he even said it to me but that's not the point. He hasn't kissed me like this cause he is afraid that he'll hurt me. Which I think is nonsense.

I missed Chase kisses so badly that I bit his lower lip a little. I heard him moan a little and it turned me on.

"Luna, stop" Chase managed to breath out. I stopped and looked at him in the eyes.

"Why?" I whined.

"We're on the roof" Chase said. He looked down at my window before winking at me.

"We could continue..." Chase mumbled but I already jumped through my window and waited in my room for Chase. When he jumped inside my room I immediately kissed him.

His arms went down to my tighs and brought me up so my legs were straddling his waist. He slowly laid me down on the bed, never breaking the kiss as he was hovering over me.

His left hand was rubbing up and down my right side as the other hand held him up. I knew he was trying to not crush me underneath him but I wanted his body on mine. I held my hands on his chest as I pulled him closer to me.

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