Spike's Got Talent

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Lunas P.O.V

Today was the day everyone gets their yearbook. Like finally, I've been waiting for this shit all year. I found my photo and saw under it, it said "Luna Cortéz: Most Likely To Succeed".

I smiled at that. I don't know who made these yearbooks but I'm glad I didn't get something like Leo's. Leo got "Most Likely to never get a most likely". That's sad.

I was standing next to Bree, her new crush Owen, Leo and Adam when Chase came running towards us. He looked mad and I wonder why.

"Did you guys see the yearbook?" Chase asked and held his yearbook.

"Obviously, why?" I wonder why Chase was upset. He was so excited getting his yearbook this morning, what happened?

"Everybody but me got a most likely too. Even Leo!" He yelled at us. Leo walked over to Chase and took his yearbook.

"Most Likely to never get a most likely! I'm on the board!" Leo exclaimed. Chase looked so upset so I walked over to him and gave his shoulder a light squeeze.

"Well that proves it. I'm completely invisible at school" Chase frowned. His statement caused me to frown.

"Chase, that's not true. If you were invisible I couldn't do this" Adam said and punched Chase in the shoulder. And with Adam's strength, it probably hurt.

"Well Adam's right" I said which caused Chase to look at me. 

"If you were invisible I wouldn't be able to do this" I smiled and gave him a kiss.

"Thanks Luna for trying to make me feel better" Chase whispered and I nodded a welcome.

"Chase, just because you weren't nominated doesn't mean you're invisible" Bree said, trying to help me get Chase to feel better.

"Oh really?" Chase asked and I nodded. He opened his yearbook and showed us where his picture should be. Instead of his face there was a question mark and underneath was his name misspelled. It said Chip Davenport.

"What's this? Chip Davenport. I'm a miss named question mark!" Chase yelled at Bree. Bree looked at Owen and shrugged. I shut Chase's yearbook and made him turn to me.

"You're not invisivle Chase. Otherwise there would be no Lase" I said and gave him a wink. He gave me a small smile but it didn't lead all the way to his eyes. I sighed before thinking of something that'll take his mind off of stuff.

"Bree, look the other way" I said and she nodded, knowing what I meant. Leo and Adam had already left to their lockers so I didn't have to worry about them.

"Why does she have to look the other way?" Chase asked confused.

"You, my lovely boyfriend, need to take your mind off of this stuff so close your eyes" I demanded and Chase did as told. I slowly cupped his cheeks before putting my lips on his. His muscles relaxed a bit by my touch and I could feel him smile into the kiss.

"Thanks" He said and I pecked his lips one more time before Perry appeard.

"Listen up snot buckets. Don't forget to sign up for the annual Mission Creek High talent show. Auditions are after school and will be judged by moi. Chances are that if I don't like you, you won't get through and I don't like any of you so.. Good luck!" She said. What a freaking wonderful principal. Note the sarcasm.

"Talent shows are so wrong! There are no winners or losers in creative expression" Owen suddenly outburst and made me confused as hell.

"Stick a paint brush in it Emosabi!" Perry said and walked away. Owen then pulled a sad face that Bree obviously fell for.

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