Twas The Mission Before Christmas

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Lunas P.O.V

"It's the most beautiful time of the year. Lights filled the street speading so much cheer. I should be playing in the winter snow, but imma be under the mistletoe" 

I was home alone, singing to Justin Bieber's Mistletoe as I was making a gingerbread house. To be honest, it didn't go the way I wanted it. The house looked terrible.

My mother was christmas shopping and guess what? Logan's still MIA.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered my phone. On the other end was some wind sound and then a thump.

"Hello?" I asked one more time and this time someone was groaning. Sounds like a male.

"Who is this?" I asked. 


"Obviously" I stated.

"It's Chase" 

"No way" I said sarcastically.

"When are you coming over?" Chase asked through the phone.

"I didn't know I was supposed too and are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Just fell off a roof" He muttered.

"What! Are you okay?" I asked and started putting on my jacket with one hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine just come over as fast as you can, please" Chase pleaded. I sighed just as my mother came back to the house.

"I'll be there soon" I said and hung up. This is gonna be hard.

"Mom!" I yelled as I put my shoes on.

"Yes honey?" She asked and came over.

"I'll be out for a while, don't stay up" I said and she nodded. I opened the door and started walking to the davenports house, which I do alot lately.

When I arrived Chase was on the floor and everyone else where no where in sight.

"Chase!" I yelled and helped him take off those christmas lights which were around him and I have no idea why.

"I'm fine" Chase stated as I helped him off of the floor.

"You sure?" I asked and looked at him.

"Yeah" He said and put an arm around my waist before kissing me.

"Merry Christmas" Chase said as we pulled away.

"Feliz Navidad" I said as Chase chuckled. We were walking down to the lab cause they had some kind of mission to go to on Christmas Eve. How fun.

"I hope I can at least give you my gift for you guys" I said to the rats.

"Gifts!" Adam yelled and grabbed me in a bone crushing hug. Literally.

"Adam..Can't...Breath!" I managed to choke out.

"Adam, let go!" Chase yelled and Adam dropped me on the floor.

"OW!" I yelled. 

"Sorry" Adam muttered as Chase came to help me up.

"The alert is coming from facility X. My research center in the frozen tundra" Mr. Davenport said which caused all of our heads to snap at his direction.

"Hey, hey! I'm mission specialist" Leo jumped in. I shook my head at them before sitting down and listening to Mr. Davenport.

"The alert is coming from facility X. His research center in the frozen tundra" Leo copied Mr. Davenport's sentence completely.

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