Robo Fight Club

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Lunas P.O.V

So... I'm bored. 

Chase invited me over to the Davenports house to hang. He just forgot to mention that they were supposed to train. So now I'm sitting and a chair, watching Adam, Bree and Chase listen to Davenport talk about some tradition of Japanese culture.

"Nun-Chuck Combat?!?" Bree asked.

"Samurai sword fighting?" Chase asked.

"Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?" Adam asked. I'm pretty sure he means sumo fighters.

"I know how to do all of that" I pointed out and raising my hand. Davenport gave me an surprised look, Bree looked shocked, Adam looked.. well like Adam. And Chase looked amused. I smiled sweetly at them before Davenport spoke again.

"We will be studying the great martial art of aikido. The key principle of which is to deflect yur agressor's attack by using his own speed and strenght against him"

"So that means I could go up against Bree, Chase and Adam at the same time?" I asked no one in particular. Everyone looked at me and I just shrugged it off.

"Can we just get to the part where I obliviate the?" Bree asked Mr. Davenport. Suddenly some beeping sound echoed through the lab.

"I have to take this. It's uh, about money, which is not more important than you but as a very close second" Davenport said and picked up his phone. He left the lab and I walked over to Chase. He looked like a light bulb went off over his head.

"Adam, attack me" Chase said and stepped forward. I looked at him wide eyed. Is he crazy? Adam is like two times bigger than him. Well not really but you get my point.

"Okay, your hair's stupid, you're too short, your face is weird, you're weird.." Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him. He isn't that perfect, he should stop insulting Chase.

"I mean hit me" Chase said in annoyance. I chuckled at him and looked at Adam again.

"Okay good, because it was a really long list" Adam said and stepped forward then getting in a fighting stance.

"Wait, wait. Are you sure about this? Adam is ten times stronger than you" Bree said, also insulting Chase.

"Doesn't matter. With aikido a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one" Chase said. Okay, now he also insulted himself. Is everyone supposed to insult him?

"But what if a weaker opponent fits neatly into an over head storage bin? I'm talking about you" Adam said to Chase.

"Just hit me" Chase said getting frustrated. They both got into a fighting stance and Adam went for attack. Before he could hit Chase, Chase took his arm and flipped him over. Something I too can do.

"And that's all you need to know about aikido" Chase said and looked at Bree. I smiled at him before walking over to him. I stood on my tip toes and gave him a peck on the lips. I could hear in the background Adam and Bree making disgusted noises.

"Oh, I get it" Bree said once I gave Chase a kiss. She walked over and pushed me aside. I rosed an eyebrow at her and she smiled at me. She took Chase arm and flipped him over like Chase did to Adam.

"Bree! That's not aikido!" Chase said as he was groaning in pain on the floor.

"Oh, really? My bad" Bree said and walked over to Adam. The did a weird handshake before leaving the lab. I walked over to Chase who was still laying on the floor and kneeled down to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked and gave my hand out to him. He nodded and took my hand. I helped him up and turned around to walk out. Chase grabbed my arm and spun me around.

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