Memory Wipe And Avalanche

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Lunas P.O.V

This week has been a hell of a lot. And I'm not talking about make out sessions with Chase. Actually, I'm talking about wiping Mr. Davenports memories making him think he's five and then Chase screwing around with an avalanche.

I'm going to tell you parts of both the memory wiping and the avalanche.

*Memory Wipe*

"What do you mean he thinks he is four!" I yell through the phone.

"I mean he thinks he is four! What are we supposed to do?" Chase whined.

"All of this happened because you were approximately two hours late for curfew?" I asked as I put my shoes on.

"Yeah, It's stupid I know, but can you get here?"  Chase asked and I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I said and hung up. I sighed once again before putting on my jacket.

"Leaving so soon?" Logan asked and walked towards me.

"Yeah, rats need me" I said and Logan nodded his head. I put on my leather jacket and grabbed my keys.

"Hey Luna?" Logan asked and I turned around to face him.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Do you trust me?" Logan asked. I stood there still for a couple of seconds. Do I trust him? He has helped me when needed but do I?

"Answer my question first: Was Douglas the guy you said was dangerous and would kill me?" I asked and Logan gave me a puzzled look.

"Who's Douglas?" Logan asked me. Now I was confused.

"He's the bad guy that kidnapped me" I stated.

"I don't know him" Logan said and I was beyond confused. Then who the hell has Logan been working with or for?

"Logan I do trust you but I need to know who that guy is, and soon" I said and walked out the door. I thought about instead of walking to the Davenports, I took my motorcycle and drove there. 

Once I was on their drive way I took my helmet off and walked to the door. I knocked on it and Tasha opened it.

"They're in the lab" She said and let me inside. I nodded my head and walked down to the lab. When I got down to the lab Mr. Davenport was as normal as ever. So why was I here?

"Luna!" Bree yelled and sped over to me before grabbing my arm and speeding us back to the others.

"I was asked to be here, what happened?" I asked and looked around.

"Nothing but you guys are certainly grounded" Mr Davenport said and walked upstairs. I was told he has a interview with Tasha and he would get hurt by Tasha if he didn't attend.

"So why am I here?" I asked and faced Chase.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You called me to get here" I stated.

"Yeah, I just wanted you to get here" Chase smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. I shook my head at him and we all left upstairs. 

After Davenports interview Tasha was so mad at him. She started yelling but Davenport used his new 'toy' and she forgot why she was mad. She quickly got happy and left for upstairs.

Thinking that I just got here, I stayed for a little while. Chase decided that we head somewhere more quiet and he took me up to the roof. We layed there for hours and talked.

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