Get Me Outta Here Cause There's No Going Back

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"What the hell is this!" I asked in anger. How could he just disappear and then show up in front of our mother!

"I thought the same thing in the beginning but not anymore" Logan yelled at me before pointing a gun at my head. What is he even talking about. That's when it clicked. The letter said: One will betray. Logan Betrayed me. I trusted him, my brother and this happens.

"Don't" I said.

"I'm sorry" Was the last word I heard before there was a gunshot. I closed my eyes, ready for the bullet to hit me in the head and death to come, but it never came.

I opened my eyes only to see a horrifying sight.




"NO!" I yelled as my mothers body fell to the floor with a bullet through her chest.

"Oh no" Logan mumbled.

"Mom!" I yelled and quickly moved over to her body. Logan left instantly and I was left with my mothers body laying on my lap. Tears started running down my cheek as my mother was trying to keep her eyes open.

"Stay with me, mom, just stay with me" I said as I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called 9-1-1.

"911 what's your emergancy?" A woman's voice echoed into my ear.

"Umm, my, my m-mom, s-she's been s-shot" I stuttered into the phone. I looked down to see my mom's eyes closing but she tried holding them open.

"What's your location?" The woman asked.

"Luna" My mother said weakly.

"Just stay with me mom" I said and then told the woman my adress. She told me an ambulance was on its way.

"Why?" I cried as my mom smiled weakly at me.

"You're my daughter. I couldn't let you die" She said but started coughing up blood.

"Oh my god, just stay with me mom. Just stay with me!" I cried.

"I just wanted to make up from all the things I've done to you. I wanted your forgivness" My mom said weakly.

"There are other ways mom and you have my forgivness, just please don't die" I said. I had like a waterfall running down from my eyes. I was crying so hard.

"I love you" My mother said softly.

"Mom, I love you too, just keep your eyes open!" I yelled through the tears. My mother closed her eyes and her body went limp.

"No, stay with me! Just stay with me!" I yelled but she wasn't even breathing.

"Mom!" I yelled. The next thing I know there were medics taking her body away from me and putting her into an ambulance.

I grabbed my phone and shakingly I pushed the buttons to call the only person I could think of.

"Hello?" The person asked through the phone.

"Tasha" I cried.

"Luna, what's going on?" Tasha asked concerned.

"Is that Luna?" I heard Chase in the background.

"Can you guys please come to the hospital? All of you?" I cried into the phone.

"Sweetie, we're on our way!" Tasha yelled and hung up. The police had arrived at our house and they were questioning me about the shooting. I told them there was some masked guy and that's all.

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