Unpredictable And Truth or Dare

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Lunas P.O.V

This is the stupidest game ever. Truth or Dare? Who came up with that shit? Bree said it would be fun but it it plain stupid. Bree, Adam, Chase, Leo and I were sitting in a circle playing Truth or Dare and guess who's winning? Me.

"Luna! Truth or Dare?" Leo asked.

"Dare" I said annoyed. All the questions or dares this family has given to me has alway been either to easy or stupid.

"Play any instrument for us" Leo said. I sighed and got up from the floor and walked over to the piano. I sat down and started playing Rihanna's Unfaithful. When I was done, everyone looked at me amused. Mr. Davenport was even in the room with Tasha and they both smiled.

"That was beautiful!" Tasha yelled and clapped followed by Mr. Davenport an then Bree then Chase and so on. I smiled and got up from the piano seat.

"That was amazing. You are so unpredictable" Chase said as I sat next to him.

"Thanks" I said and we continued playing. Mr. Davenport and Tasha went out for dinner as we kids were home alone.

"Chase! Truth or Dare?" I asked. I already knew what I was gonna give to him as a dare if he chose dare.

"Dare" Chase said. I smirked and Chase looked terrified.

"I dare you to stay shirtless through the whole game" I dared him. If they want me to play this game then they have to let me spice it up a little bit.

"What? No!" Chase yelled.

"What? Too afraid?" Bree asked. I looked towards her and she gave me a wink. I then looked towards Chase and he sighed.

"Fine" He said and took of his shirt. Now Chase was sitting on the floor next to me shirtless. I was blushing a little bit and this was a real turn on. I didn't exactly think this one through, now did I?

Chase saw my condition and smirked before turning to Bree.

"Bree! Truth or Dare?" Chase asked and smirked. 

"Dare" Bree said and I knew that this was gonna be something bad. Chase clapped his hand toghether before saying his dare.

"I dare you to kiss Logan on the mouth" 

Bree's and my mouth were hanging open and we were staring at Chase with wide eyes.

"No!" Bree yelled.

"You have to" Chase said. I stared at him in shock. This is my brother they're talking about for god sake.

"Ugh! Fine!" Bree yelled. She grabbed my hand and super sped towards my house. When we came there, Logan was watching TV and my mother was probably on a date with... Douglas. Ew.

"Sorry Logan" I said and he snapped his head towards us. Bree super sped over to him, kissed him on the mouth and then took my hand and sped towards the Davenports house. When we walked through the door, Bree and I started laughing hysterically.

"What?" Chase asked. Bree and I looked at him and then started laughing again.

"Did you see his face before we left!" I said through my laugh.

"Oh my god!" Bree laughed.

"Okay, break it up!" Chase said and grabbed my hand.

"What a buzzkill" I mumbled but Bree and Chase heard me. Chase frowned at me and Bree started laughing again.

"Guys, it's getting late so shall we go to bed?" Leo asked. Bree nodded and Adam yawned.

"Okay, good night" I said and they all left except for Chase.

"Well, I'm going to my room. See ya in the morning" I said and walked away but Chase followed.

"What? Forgot something?" I asked as we stood behind my door.

"I'm staying with you tonight" Chase said but his eyes were telling me a whole different story. I nodded my head and let him inside my room.

(Warning: There will be a heated moment)

Chase closed the door and locked it which pretty much told me everything. He slowly walked towards me with a smirk plastered on his face. I backed away a little until I hit the end of my bed. I don't know what has gotten into Chase but it looked like a mixture of Chase and Spike.

When he stood in front of me he put his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He smashed his lips on mine and my arms were going around his neck. He deepend the kiss when he licked my bottom lips asking for entrance.

I granted it our tounges fought for dominance. Chase obviously won. He pushed me a little so I fell on the bed with him hovering over me. Did I forget to mention, Chase is still shirtless!

His hands found their way under my shirt and rubbed my lower back. As for his lips, they found their way to my neck. He kissed and sucked making me let out a moan. I then flipped us over so that I was on top and Chase was under me.

I kissed Chase on the lips but soon broke away when Chase took my shirt off. This is the first time we have ever gone this far but I enjoyed it. Both of us were now shirtless and I was sitting on Chase's lap kissing him fully on the lips. His hands were rubbing my back in a comforting way and mine were on his chest trailing down to his abs.

Chase flipped us over again and now I was under him again. His lips found their way back to my neck and kissed it. We were startled by a door getting shut really loudly. Chase quickly got off of me, startled but then calmed down.

"Sorry" He apologized.

"Don't. I liked it" I said and smiled at Chase. I then realized I was still shirtless and felt embarrassed. Chase saw me and chuckled. He picked up my shirt from the floor and gave it to me.

"Thanks" I said and put it on.

"Lets go to sleep" Chase said and layed down on the bed. I cuddled up next to him and slowly fell asleep with Chase next to me.


Two chapters in one day!!! That's awesome! Hope you guys liked it! :)

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~Sincerely Rebecca ;)

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