Prank You Very Much...Worse

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(A/N: Guys, I wanna get to the book three faster so I will do less Lab Rats episodes and more of mine. Hope you don't mind! Enjoy! :D)

Lunas P.O.V

So because I've been in a hospital for 48 hours Chase made me stay home because "I need to recover". Pardon my english but hell no! I am Black Freaking Arrow. I will survive! But now thanks to Chase, I have missed alot.

Perry went all cuckoo and played pranks on Adam, Chase and Leo making them thing there is a ghost in Mission Creek High. And they also had a Perry 2.0, which means there was a Robo Perry. Thank god I missed that! One is already enough.

Right now I'm waiting for Bree to call me and tell me about how her brothers are evil and how much she hates them. Oh, and did I forget to mention? My mother's back.

We've made some small talk here and there but nothing big. Logan is still MIA and that's all I know. He just went missing after the lake house incident and them after I returned home my mother was here.

I can't exactly say I hate her or I love her but she is my mother. I don't want her to stick her nose into my business but I don't want her dead either.

We used to be close but then my father died in a plane crash and couple of months later Logan "died" with a bullet through his chest. I guess she just didn't wanna be so emotional so she just placed her needs before me.

"Honey?" My mother knocked on the door as she slowly opened it. I closed my laptop which I was currently sitting with and looked at my mother.

"Yes?" I asked as politely as possible.

"I was gonna go to the store and I was wondering if you wanted something?" My mother asked. Wow, this was something new. She never asked me what I want. Well, she used to never be home.

"Um, sure. Mind bringing me some sweets or something?" I asked.

"I don't mind. See you soon" She smiled sweetly and walked out. That. Was. Weird.

Suddenly my phone started vibrating and Bree's picture popped up on the screen.

"Hello" I said but I only heard someone huffing in frustration on the other line.


"UGH!" She suddenly snapped at the other end.

"I'm just gonna hang up" I said slowly but before I could press any button she yelled at me to stop.

"Sorry, it's just.. Everytime Adam and Chase prank each other I always end up in the cross fire! I'm just tired of it all!" Bree yelled through the phone.

"Do you want me to come over after school's over?" I asked.

"You aren't in school" Bree stated.

"I know but when you finish give me a call and I'll come over" I smiled while saying that. Bree and I haven't hung out lately either. Last time we hung out was after that painting incident.

"Okay, thank you Luna" She said.

"Anytime" I said before I hung up. I took a quick shower and changed into something more cofortable but nice. When I was done my mother had come back home.

"Here's for you a bag full of twix and mars" She smiled as she handed me a small bag. I don't know why but it looks like she is about to burst into tears or something.

"Are you okay?" I asked and that's all it took. My mother started crying and went to sit on the couch. I felt bad for her and followed. I sat beside her and held her hands.

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