Bro Down

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Lunas P.O.V

That awkward moment when you're at home and your boyfriend calls, telling you he basically broke his brothers arm.

I was seriously about to choke on my water when he told me about Adam. How did Chase possibly break Adam's arm? That is a wonderful question. As soon as Chase told me that, I ran out of the house all the way to the Davenports.

I knocked on the door and Chase opened it. I was still a little out of breath from running so I was leaning on the door frame. When Chase saw me like that his eyes went wide and he quickly came over to me.

"Luna, you okay?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, just... I'm never" I started talking but took in a deep breath.

"Okay, calm down Luna. I don't need you dying on me" Chase smiled and made me lean on him. I chuckled and got Chase help to walk into the house. Which I didn't need that much. I was out of breath, not dying.

When I walked into the living room, I could see Adam wearing something around his arm. I already knew it was because of the accident but seeing Adam hurt is weird. He's usually hurting everyone else. Technically.

"Hey Adam, how you feeling?" I asked. Adam narrowed his eyes at me and I was about to crack up.

"I technic hate Chase" Adam said.

"Technically" I said, correcting him.

"That too" Adam said and walked down to the lab.

"Well since I don't feel like walking, I'm going up to "My room" and take a nap" I said turning to Chase and patting him on the chest.

"I'll follow" Chase said and walked beside me to my room. When we stood behind my door I turned to Chase.

"You should get some sleep. You look worn out" I said and gave him a kiss.

"I'll see you later" Chase said and pecked my lips. I walked into my room and went to sleep.



I woke up the next day with the sun shining on my eyes. I stood up and got dressed for school. I didn't have any clothes here so Bree borrowed some for me. It was a pair of white jeans, a blue crop top and a jeans jacket. It was a cute outfit and I'm pretty sure Chase's jaw will drop.

I was standing by my bed when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning" Chase whispered and seductively nibbled just under my ear. I smiled and let out a small moan. Chase spun me around and smashed his lips on mine. Chase backed me a little so I fell on the bed with him ontop of me.

Before things got more heated, there was a knock on the door. Chase got off of me quickly and helped me up.

"Come on guys! We got school!" Bree yelled from behind the door. I chuckled before trying to walk to the door. Keyword: Tried. Before I even got the chance, Chase grabbed me and kissed me again.

"You look breath taking" Chase said and walked with me out of the room.



Later at school, Chase and I were standing by the stairs. Adam was slowly walking down them and he had his hand on the wall like his life depended on it.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Chase asked him.

"That accident was a wake up call. I never realized how unsafe the world is. Danger lurks around every corner and it uses the stairs to get there!" Adam said/yelled.

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