Not The Way I Want It

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Lunas P.O.V

"What the hell is this!" I asked in anger.

"I thought the same thing in the beginning but not anymore" Logan yelled at me before pointing a gun at my head.

"Don't" I said.

"I'm sorry" Was the last word I heard before there was a gunshot.



*3 Hours Earlier*

Couple of hours ago Chase and Leo had to take care of Trent to get him to graduate. When he finally graduated he came back to school as our gym teacher.

Which means I am never having P.E ever again. After that I went over to the Davenport's. I didn't exactly have anything to do so I decided why not.

I was laying on the couch with my head on Chase's lap and legs over Bree. We were watching the newest episodes of Teen Wolf which I made Chase watch. He didn't exactly like it when Bree and i kept on babbling how hot Scott and Stiles are.

"Oh my god no! What if Stiles becomes a werewolf?!" I yelled as Bree gasped.

"This can't be happening!" Bree yelled.

"We get it!" Chase yelled annoyed.

"Dude chill! We have the right to fangirl" Bree stated in a matter of factly.

"But she's my girlfriend!" Chase said.

"And?" Bree asked.

"Guys! I'm right here!" I said, pointing at myself. 

"Turn him into a werewolf" Scott from Teen Wolf said on the TV.

"Werewolf don't even exist" Chase pointed out.

"Honey, neither do bionic people" I stated and watched the rest of Teen Wolf.



"I am never again watching Teen Wolf with you guys ever again!" Chase huffed in annoyance. Bree and I just giggled at him and then he sent us a glare.

"You think this is funny?" Chase asked. Bree and I looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Chase narrowed his eyes at Bree and then smirked at me.

"Oh shit" I muttered as I looked at Chase. Bree and I's eyes winded before getting up from the couch.

"Girl, you're on your own" Bree whispered to me before speeding away.

"Not fair!" I yelled after her as Chase walked over to me.

"I'm in deep trouble, aren't I?" I asked the smirking boyfriend of mine.

"Let me think" Chase started and put on a thinking face before smirking. "Yes" Was the last thing I heard him say before getting thrown over his shoulder.

Chase started running up the stairs and into my room before throwing me on the bed. As I was trying to get up Chase pushed me down and got ontop of me.

He pinned my arms over my head and kissed down my neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked as a moan was threathining to come.

"Teasing you" Chase stated as he kept on kissing down to my collarbone. I bit my bottom lip from letting out the moan as Chase kept teasing me.

"Stop it" I giggled as he kissed my neck again.

"Why should I?" Chase asked.

"Cause otherwise, you'll regret it" I stated and that caused Chase to look up at me.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well sweetie, I can be very evil when the time comes" I said and gave him a wink. He looked at me confused and loosened his grip on me a little. I smirked before rolling us over so I was ontop of him.

"My turn" I smirked.

"Nope" Chase said and smashed my lips on his. Chase sat up but never broke the kiss. He leaned on the headboard as we kissed.

His tounge licked my bottom, asking for entrance and I granted it. Our tounges fought for dominance and this time Chase let me win.

After our make out session in my room we walked into the lab. Davenport looked frustrated and Leo looked anxious.

"What's going on?" I asked as Chase and I walked hand in hand into the lab.

"Some files are stolen from me and I don't know how my servers even got hacked" Davenport said as he looked through the files one more time through the cyber desk.

"What kind of files?" I asked.

"Files for secret missions or safe houses or any god damn thing!" Davenport yelled.

"Did you say safe houses?" I asked. Something clicking in my head but I had to be sure.

"Yeah, why?" Davenport asked. Chase looked at me confused as I stood there in shock.

"I gotta go" I said and started running towards my house. I ran as fast as I could and my legs were starting to burn. When I was right outside my house I opened the door and ran into the living room.

"Mom!" I yelled but I got no response. I heard small sobbings and ran into the kitchen where the sounds came from. When I got into tke kitchen my mother was crying as she sat on a kitchen chair.

"Mom?" I asked once again.

"Did you know?" She asked me.

"Know what?" I asked as I stepped closer to her but she stood up and backed away from me.

"Logan, did you know about that?" She asked me. But this couldn't be happening. How did she find out about Logan or that he is alive. Unless.. I turned around only to come face to face with Logan himself.

"Logan" I breathed out.



"What the hell is this!" I asked in anger. How could he just disappear and then show up in front of our mother!

"I thought the same thing in the beginning but not anymore" Logan yelled at me before pointing a gun at my head. What is he even talking about. That's when it clicked. The letter said: One will betray. Logan Betrayed me. I trusted him, my brother and this happens.

"Don't" I said.

"I'm sorry" Was the last word I heard before there was a gunshot. I closed my eyes, ready for the bullet to hit me in the head and death to come, but it never came.

I opened my eyes only to see a horrifying sight.



Two chapters in one day! Whoohoo! Just a reminder, the next chapter will be the last. And there's gonna be a whole lot of twists in that one :)

QOTD: What do you think about Logan and his betrayal?

Love ya! 

~Sincerely Rebecca ;)

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