Lake House Part 1

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Lunas P.O.V

Today I got to skip school because my brother wanted to take me on a little road trip to some lake house we apparently have.

I told Chase about this and he said he would miss me. I told him I would miss him too and I would see him soon.

After my coversation with Chase, I packed my stuff and got into my brothers new car. The car roof was taken down which led to the wind blowing through my hair.

We were half way to our destination when Logan parked outside café. He told me he would go get some coffee and a coke for me. I nodded my head and leaned against the car. 

I got a call from Chase and I answered it.

*Phone Call*

"Hello" I said into the phone.

"Hey babe, whatcha doing?" Chase asked me through the phone.

"Waiting by the car for Logan to show up, what about you?" I asked while smiling.

"Oh well, I have some Adam and Llama problems" Chase muttered into the phone and I chuckled.

"I leave for one day and you already have Adam and Llama problems" This seemed so funny to me.

"Haha, when will I see you?" Chase asked. 

"The only way you can see me this week is if you come down to the lake house" I smiled.

"Well, we'll have to see about that" Chase chuckled and I could almost see the smirk on his face.

"Well, I have to go so bye, Love you" I said sweetly into the phone.

"Bye Luna, Love you too" Chase said and hung up. 

*End of phone call*

I put my phone back in my pocket and got inside the car just as Logan came back with the drinks.

"Ready to go?" Logan asked me. I nodded my head and turned up the radio. The radio was blasting Cher Lloyd's I wish ft T.I.

I sang with the song as Logan smiled and drove to the lake house. When we finally arrived at the lake house, I grabbed my stuff and went inside the house. Logan slowly followed behind me with his stuff and layed them on the couch.

I walked upstairs and found a perfect room. It had a queen sized bed, a bathroom and a walk in closet. I unpacked my stuff away and walked into the living room where Logan was sitting.

"Okay, I need every detail and information possible" I stated and sat across from him.

"About the man I worked for?" Logan asked.

"I was talking about mom and home" I said and Logan chuckled.

"She's coming back on saturday night and you should actually check your voicemails" Logan said. I nodded my head for him to continue.

"She said in the voicemail she wouldn't have any business trips for awhile and that she would stay longer at home this time" Logan stated and I groaned.

"Which means being Black Arrow will be harder than usually" I said.

"Or you're more worried about her finding you and Chase having sex or something in your room" Logan smirked and I almost choked on my own spit.

"What?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Oh, don't deny it. I heard you moaning the other day from your room and Chase was in the room with you. I'm pretty sure you guys had sex or a really heated make-out session" Logan said.

"I really don't wanna talk about this with you" I stated and got up. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. 

"I'm going out for a while, will you be okay until I com back?" Logan asked me. I looked at him like he was stupid.

"I'll take that as a yes" He said and walked out. It was still early so I thought about going swimming. I ran up to my room and grabbed a pair of bikinis. 

I put them on and went outside towards the water. I layed my towel that I brought on the sand and walked into the water. It wasn't that cold but neither warm.

I jumped head first into the water and then came back up. When my body finally got used to the water, I swam deeper into the water until I got tired and swam back.

I got out of the water and layed down on the sand. I started taking some sun and when I felt nergized again I went for a swim.

I was probably in the water for hours, just swimming and thinking. Relaxing my muscles in the water. When it was getting darker I walked inside the house again.

It was pretty late and Logan hadn't yet come back. I shrugged it off and grabbed something to eat. When I was done with my food I cleaned off and went into the room. My body felt drained and I started getting sleepy.

I closed my eyes for just a moment and then I fell asleep.


Short, I know but I'll update tomorrow a chapter. Maybe even two :) 

I had published Adam Up and I could see it perfectly fine but I kept getting comments saying nothing showed up. But that chapter was also a short chapter so you guys didn't exactly miss anything. :)

Well enjoy this chapter and I'll update tomorrow the rest :D

~Sincerely Rbecca ;) 

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