Sweet Dreams Or Beautiful Nightmares

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Lunas P.O.V

Ever since that nightmare where Chase got shot I haven't been sleeping well. I have nightmares after nightmares and I don't even know why.

All I know is that these nightmares always ends up Chase dying or something like that. Is that supposed to be a sign of something bad happening? Like will Chase die or someone else I love?

I'm pretty shaken up and don't feel like falling asleep. It's in the middle of the night and I'm again staying at the Davenports house. It's like I live here or something.

Everyone else is sleeping as I keep on staring out my window. I'm scared to have one of those nightmares again. They scare the absolute shit out of me.

I was still leaning on the window sill when I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't sure who that could be because it's in the middle of the night and I haven't made any loud noises. Slowly the door opened and Chase's head peaked through.

"Hey, I kinda guesses you were awake" Chase said as he stepped into the room and slowly closed the door.

"Yeah, I don't feel like falling asleep" I mumbled.

"Still having nightmares?" Chase walked over and leaned on the window sill just like me.

"Yeah" There was a small silence after that. Chase knew I have nightmares and he knows what the first one was about but he doesn't know the rest. 

"You should get some sleep. Don't worry about me" I said and faced Chase. He looked at me like I had two head and I gave him a puzzled look.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't worry about you? Luna, I will always worry about you and I won't go to sleep if you don't" Chase argued. I sighed before facing the sky again.

"Are you sure you're okay? This has nothing to do with Douglas has it?" Chase asked as his hand stroked my cheek.

"I'm not sure if I'm fine and this has nothing to do with Douglas" I said. This is probably the first time I admit that I'm not fine.

"Come here" Chase said and pulled me in for a hug. His hugs were so comfy and I felt unbelievably safe in his arms.

"I can stay with you until you fall asleep" Chase whispered into my ear. I did feel kinda sleepy but I didn't wanna have nightmares.

"But the night-" 

"Luna you need sleep, you look like you're sick and if you're tired there will be no missions" Chase said and I nodded. He did have a point about my missions. I got up from the window sill and walked over to bed.

Chase followed me and layed beside me on the bed. He pulled me into his chest and stroked my c hair.

"I love you" Chase whispered and kissed my head.

"I love you too" I said and soon enough fell asleep.



I woke up in the middle of the woods in my pj's and it was dark. I was laying on the ground and I felt some sticky liquid on my arms.

I looked down to find my arms covered in blood and it wasn't even mine. I had no wounds on my body and yet I was covered in blood. What the hell?

"AHH!!" I heard someone yell. It sounded familiar and like a guy. I followed the screams in the woods and found myself getting deeper inside the woods. 

It was still dark and my arms were bloody. The blood was fresh which means whatever happened must have happened not too long ago.

I came to a stop and looked around. It became deadly silent and I saw a body in front of me. I walked closer and the guy looked really familiar.

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