Parallel Universe

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Lunas P.O.V

Bree called me a minute ago telling me to come over and have a movie night with the Davenports. I agreed coming over so I quickly snuck out of the house to avoid my mom. Logan has been hiding in the basement and only comes out when mom's gone.

I walked all the way to the Davenports house and knocked on the door. Leo opened the door and he was dressed in dish gloves.

"Is this a bad timing?" I asked eyeing Leo up and down.

"My mother says if I don't do the chores, I'm not allowed to watch the movie" Leo pouted.

"You want help?" I asked Leo and his eyes lit up.

"Don't you wanna watch Marley and me?" Leo asked.

"I've already seen it, unlike some people" I said and looked at the people sitting on the couch.

"Well, please come in and help me" Leo said and opened the door wider. I walked inside and saw everyone watch the TV.

"Luna, come watch Marley and Me with us" Bree said and patted a seat next to her.

"Nah, I'll go help Leo" I said and gave Chase a wink. I walked into the kitchen with Leo and helped him with the dishes. I could see Leo sneaking glances now and then until he got caught. His mom was giving him a lecture and then said no TV for the rest of the week.

"That's not fair!" Leo yelled and walked over to the kitchen but soon turned around.

"By the way, I've seen this movie. I wouldn't get too attached to that dog" Leo said and walked out of the room into the lab. I looked towards the rest before speaking.

"I'll go talk to him" I said and walked after him. Leo was in the lab and I walked up to him.

"Leo, calm down, it's just a TV. I'm Black Arrow, isn't that a little more interesting?" I tried calming him down. The next thing I know, Mr. Davenports new invention started up and started sucking us into it.

"Leo!" I yelled when he got sucked in. But soon I too was sucked into it.



"Luna, wake up!" Leo yelled and shook me.

"What?" I asked and got up. I was sitting on their couch and their living room is much different then before.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Tell me about it" Leo mumbled and mistakenly threw down a vase.

"Leo!" I hissed and in came Tasha, dressed in a womans costume..? I am so confused.

"Mom I'm so sorry! I didn't even know that was there" Leo said as Tasha walked over to the couch.

"Break whatever you want Leo I can afford a thousand of those" Tasha said.

"You can?" Leo asked and I looked at Tasha. I thought Mr. Davenport was the one who could afford a lot of stuff.

"Of course! One of the many perks of being a billionaire! Well that and being able to tease millionaires" Tasha said and smiled.

"Wait" I said and held up my hands while getting up from the couch. "Where is everybody?" I asked and stepped forward.

"I thought we were watching a movie and...when did we movie into an Italian furniture show room?" Leo asked. I nodded my head as Tasha turned around and smiled.

"I don't have time for this Leo and Lulu. Tasha technologies isn't gonna run itself" Tasha said and I was now beyond confused. Lulu? Tasha technology? What?

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