The Bionic 500 Then Taken

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Lunas P.O.V

It's dark and cold. My body feels numb and I can taste blood in my mouth. I don't know what happened but when I came home someone hit me over the head with something hard.

I heard someone open the door and the light came in my eyes like the sun. It burned at first but then me eyes slowly adjusted to the light. I couldn't see who was walking inside the room but both of the voices sounded familiar.

One of them were dragging a body bag with them as the other one laughed evilly. I couldn't see their faces and that annoyed me.

The guy who dragged the body bag opened it and put the body inside a cage. The cage wasn't normal. This cage had lasers. The body inside the cage started moving. I heard groans and mumbles coming from the person.

The person stood up and I saw it was a male. But he looked oddly familiar. Before all the light went away I saw who it was in the cage.

"Mr. Davenport?"

*48 hours earlier*

"I'm here!" I yelled once again stepping into Davenports house. There was Mr. Davenport, Chase, Bree, Adam, Leo and two other guys standing staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused. One of the guys which I've seen in school, I think his name is Clayton, walked over to me. He stroke my hair and I slapped his hand away.

"Father, I want this girl when we win" Clayton says to his father. I look wide eyed at Chase and he looked super pissed.

"Sorry, whoever the hell you are. I'm taken" I smirk at him and walk away towards Chase. He snakes his arm around my waist and pull me closer.

"She is included in the prize when I win" Clayton's father says to Davenport.

"Deal" Davenport says and my eyes went wide. 

"Like hell I am!" I yell but I was completely ignored. Clayton smirked at me and I could feel Chase glaring at him.

"See you on the track or later tonight when I tear up the rest of your lawn" Clayton's dad said and he walked out. Clayton came by me and was gonna put his hand on my cheek, but me being well me, took his hand and held it in a way that if he moves the hand will break.

"Touch me again and I might hurt you somewhere more sensitive" I said and let him go. I smirked at me before leaving. Chase grabbed me by the waist and held me tight. 

I could totally understand him. I didn't either wanna be included in the prize.

"Mr. Davenport are you sure about this?" Bree asked and stepped closer to Davenport.

"Yeah, if you don't win we'll lose our house" Leo said and stepped next to Bree.

"Guys I got this, don't worry about it" Mr. Davenport said which caused me to let go of Chase.

"Don't worry about it?!? You included me as a prize to that jerk!" I lashed out. This is freaking unbelievable.

"I got this" Davenport continued. " Just one more question though, what exactly is a stock car?" He asked.

"Seriously?!?" I started. "I kicked your ass once, I'll do it again!" I yelled but before I could actually hit Davenport, Chase grabbed me back and he didn't let go of me.



We all waited at the race track for Mr. Davenport as I was getting a little nauseous. I didn't wanna be some rich jerks girlfriend or whatever he wants with me.

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