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Lunas P.O.V

I stayed over at the Davenports house and thank good it was a saturday night. Or more like sunday morning. I'm not exactly ready for school yet.

I had been sleeping until I heard a thump and it was pretty loud. I slowly got up from bed and I was really tired. I decided to go down to the lab first and I don't know why I just wanted too.

Once I came to the lab no one was in sight. I was really confused and walked upstairs. I was in the hallway and heard muffled voices. I hid behind a post and watched the scene in front of my eyes. Everyone was handcuffed and on the couch.

There were two men standing in front of them. Both of them had at least two guns and they were wearing masks. I looked at the Davenports and saw all of them looked scared to death.

Leo and Tasha are curled up toghether. Mr. Davenport looked confused at the guys. Bree and Adam looked like they were ready to cry but Chase looked like he was thinking about something.

"Is there anyone else in this house?" One of the guys asked Mr. Davenport.

"No" Chase said and he looked pissed off. I was thankful for Chase not ratting me out which also bought me some time to help them. I was just confused at one thing. Why weren't Adam, Bree and Chase using their bionics?

I looked at their hands and saw the handcuffs were grenades. The ones me and Leo had when we were in the other dimension. Well now I atleast know this is going to be hard.

I looked around the living room to see just the two guys and one girl. The girl had also a mask on but she still looked like Tasha's age. She also has a gun and it was directly pointed at Chase's head.

Which gives me more reasons to beat the living crap out of her. One of the men were pointing the gun at Bree and Adam as the other man was pointing his at Leo, Tasha and Davenport.

"Rach, go check the upstairs room. If anyone is there shoot them" One of the men said to the girl. So, I'm guessing her name is Rachel and Rach for short.

"NO!" Chase yelled and got up but got pushed down by of the men.

"Sit down Squat-Mug!" One of the men yelled at Chase. Rach was covered with the mask but I could see her pathetic smirk behind it. She left upstairs and I could see tears forming in Chase's eyes.

Suddenly gun shots were heard from upstairs and it caused all of us to flinch.

"NOO!" Bree yelled and had tears in her eyes. Chase yelled at the same time as Bree and the tears in his eyes were falling freely. This felt so awful but I couldn't just walk up to them.

I looked at Adam, Leo, Tasha and Mr. Davenport and they were all crying. Rachel came back down and pointed her gun at Chase.

"You. Up. Now" She said and Chase got up. She pointed to the hallway and Chase walked into it. I was still hiding in the hallway and I knew what her mission was. Kill Chase.

When he walked into the hallway and spun around he had a gun pointed at his head.

"Where's the girl?" Rach asked.

"What girl?" Chase asked but obviously he sucks at lying.

"Look Smartass. Where's the girl? And I'm not asking again." Rach told Chase and he stiffened. I came out of my hiding spot which was behind the girl and Chase saw me. His eyes winded but he quickly recovered and looked sad again.

"I'm right here, Dumbass" I stated and she turned around. I kicked her hand which caused the gun to fly out of her hands and then I punched her in the face. She fell to the floor and I went after the gun.

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