Bionic Showdown

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Lunas P.O.V

*Before Davenport got caught and after Luna got taken*

What the hell? I'm blindfolded and I think I have ducktape around my mouth. I'm sitting on a chair and my hands are tied behind my back.

I tried to free my hands but it didn't work. Soon I hear evil laughs and they are getting louder by the second. Which means the person who kidnapped me is getting closer and I'm still tied to a freaking chair.

I started feeling something in my pocket vibrate and I'm pretty sure that it's my phone. I would answer but I'm pretty tied up right now to do so. I think it is Chase calling but I'm not sure. The vibrating finally stopped and the laughs were now in the same room as me.

"Well if it isn't Luna Clementine Cortéz. I've been waiting forever for this moment. Logan thought he could hide you forever but he was wrong" A voice said that sent shivers down my spine. This might be the guy Logan was talking about when he said "He's dangerous". But there's something in his voice that sound familiar. I just can't put my finger on it.

"Who are you?" I asked him after he took away the ducktape from my mouth. I heard another evil laugh with the other guy and the all sounded too familiar.

"Don't you recognize us, sweetheart?" The person said.

"Don't call me sweetheart you jerk!" I yelled at the person. They stopped laughing and then I felt something hard connect with my cheek. That Jerk just punched my cheek! I felt a little blood in my mouth and spit it out.

"You should watch it Sweetheart, you're in my house now" He said and I heard his heavy footsteps walk away. Before they completely disappeard I yelled after him.

"Not willingly!" The footsteps stopped for a second and then they disappeard but the room wasn't completely empty. Someone was in here with me.

"You should have chose me" Another voice said but this one sounded like a teenager.

"I don't even know you" I said.

"That's the other problem, you're too blind with Chase that you don't even see others around you" The guy snapped.

"Well maybe it's just love" I spit back at him. I felt him slap my cheek which already start to sting from the first hit and then I felt someones lips on mine. They weren't Chase's cause this kiss was so unbelievably disgusting.

I spit in his mouth when he kissed me which caúsed him to stop.

"You'll regret that" The guy said and slapped me again. Then he started punching me and kicking me until he was satisfied. He took off my blindfold but it was to dark to see anything. He punched me one more time before he left and yet I couldn't see the person.

It's dark and cold. My body feels numb and I can taste blood in my mouth. I don't know how long I sat there like that but it felt like hours. 

Chase's P.O.V

"Guys I know that Mr. Davenport is gone but has anyone seen Luna?" I asked. She hasn't answerd her phone and she wasn't in school today either. I was getting really worried and then when we came home because Mr. Davenport wants to have us training, we couldn't find him either.

I have no idea what's going on but something doesn't feel right, at all.

"I haven't seen her all day. And there isn't any Black Arrow mission cause then I would've known about it" Bree stated. Now I'm ready to freak out. Where is Luna?!?!

Lunas P.O.V

The two guys were back and they were dragging a body bag with them. They opened the body bag and placed the body inside a cage with lasers. Once they left the body inside the cage started groaning. 

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