An Awkward Dinner As The Rats Strike Back

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Lunas P.O.V

Today my mother is coming home and I was supposed to go to that stupid dinner. I was now at the Davenports house and I felt exhausted. Chase was sitting on the couch and I layed my head on his lap.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked and stroke my hair. Have I told you how much I love it when he does that? No? Well I'm telling you know, It feels AMAZING.

"No" I asnwered.

"Wanna talk about it?" Chase asked.

"Not really" I said and sat up.

"Please" Chase begged. I sighed before facing him.

"My mother is coming home today and she doesn't know about Logan. But the other problem is that she got invited to some dinner and I have to go with her" I said and huffed in annoyance. Chace put his hand on my lower back and rubbed circles.

"You want me to come with you?" Chase asked. He was being so sweet to me and that just made me fall for him harder.

"No, I can do this. But I'll be coming here when it's over" I said and layed on Chase's shoulder.

"Fine by me" Chase said and kissed my forehead. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep cause when I woke up, I was in my room at the Davenports house. And the only room without Eddie.

Just as I got up from the bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled and the door opened. In stepped Tasha and smiled sweetly.

"I heard that you're gonna go to a dinner and I thought I could help you get ready" She trailed off.

"That would help alot, thank you Tasha" I said and hugged her. Tasha has been more of a mother to me than my actual mother.

"Well sweet thing, lets get you ready" Tasha said and helped me get ready. She did my hair wavy and put on some make up. Bree loaned me a dress and I put it on with a pair of heels. My mother had called me and told me she would pick me up from the Davenports in 15 minutes and I just replied with hanging up.

I quickly called my brother telling him about the situation and he told me he could go hide in the basement. Me and my brother have become somewhat on better terms but I still don't fully trust him.

When I was done, I heard a beeping noise outside which told me that my mother was here. I sighed and went to say good bye to the others.

"Bye Tasha and thank you very much" I said and hugged her. She hugged me back and nodded.

"Bye bestie!" Bree yelled and hugged me tight.

"Bree, I'll be back later" I smiled at her and she nodded. I was just about to leave before I heard that one voice that makes my day.

"What about me?" Chase asked. I smiled and turned around. I ran towards him and gave him a hug.

"See you later Chase" I whispered in his ear.

"See you soon Luna" Chase said and gave me a kiss.

"Call me if anything happens" Chase said and I nodded.

"I will" I said and pecked his lips one more time. Then I walked out to the car where my mom was and  got in.

"Hey sweetie, you ready?" My mom asked.

"Cut the crap mom and just drive" I said and looked out trough the window. She sighed before starting the car and driving towards this guy Douglas house. When we came to a stop I got out of the car and went ver to the door.

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