My Romantic Valentine

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Luna's P.O.V

Oh how lovely. It's Valentines Day and everyone in school has a date. I was currently standing by my locker seeing Ethan give Bree roses. She looked both happy and shocked.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around. Chase was standing in front of me with roses and a chocolate box.

I smiled at him and gave him a Peck on the lips.

''Be my valentine?'' Chase asked.

''Hell yes'' I said against his lips. I took the gifts and put them in my locker before turning around to Chase.

I gave him a peck on the lips But as I pulled away, Chase smashed his lips on mine again.

I heard a clicking sound and saw a flash to my right as I was kissing Chase. Both me and Chase looked to the side to see Bree with a camera.

''What the hell, Bree?'' I asked her.

''Lase are so cute!'' she squeled before running to her locker.

''And here comes the Lase again'' I chuckled.

''I like it'' Chase smiled before giving me a kiss again. We both took each others hands and walked to our last lesson of the day, waiting for it to be over.

* After School*

Chase and I were at the lake near my training spot. Bith of us were laying in the sand, my head on Chases chest and his hand stroking through my hair.

It was getting late, so we both got up and walked hand in hand. The sun was setting and Chase brought me over to a tree.

''What's in the tree?'' I asked and pointen up at the tree. Chase took My hands in his and leaned forward.

''Happy Valentines Day, Luna. I love you'' he Said before smashing his lips on mine.

There was lights forming in the tree above us as we kissed. So that's what was in the tree. I don't know how I got this lucky dating Chase, But I would never want to have it any other way.

When we pulled away our foreheads were toghether.

''I love you, too'' I smiled before kissing my mist romantic valentine ever.


Hey guys!!! Happy Valentines Day to you lovelies!!

This is a short chapter cause I uploaded it through my phone, which by the way, is really hard. :)

Have a nice day!

~ Sincerely Rebecca ;)

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