Beach And Training

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Lunas P.O.V

I woke up today with no nightmares. Finally! A good night sleep.

I had gotten dressed and was now walking into the kitchen to get some food. On my way there, the smell of pancakes hit me.

"Ooo" I said to myself and walked quicker into the kitchen. Chase stood there fully dressed and put some pancakes on a plate.

"Smells great" I smiled and walked over to Chase. I gave him a kiss on the lips as I grabbed a plate with pancakes.

"Morning" Chase said as we pulled away.

"Morning" I smiled back and sat down at the table.

"Any nightmares this time?" Chase asked and sat down across from me with a plate of pancakes.

"Not tonight, no" I smiled and ate my pancakes. Once I was done I took my plate and washed it.

"What plans we got today?" I asked Chase. He got up and washed his plate than faced me with a smile.

"We are going to the beach" He smiled and walked to the front door.

"Who's we?" I asked and followed Chase.

"Adam, Bree, Leo, You and I" Chase smirked.

"Let me go get my stuff" I said and walked up to my room. I changed into a peach bikini and put on a shirt with high waisted shorts and white sandals and sunglasses. I walked back to Chase and then we headed towards the Davenports house.

When we got there everyone was ready except Chase.

"I'll go change" Chase pointed out and left towards the lab. Bree squeled and walked over to me as Adam and Leo were talking about an action figure.

"Finally, we're going to the beach!" Bree yelled and I giggled at her excitement.

A few minutes later Chase came back in his swim shorts and a t-shirt. We all then walked out of the house and headed towards the beach. Adam and Leo were infront of us and talked about which ice cream is better. 

Bree was behind Adam and Leo. She kept texting someone and everytime she got a text back she squeled. My guesses says it's Owen she's texting. 

Chase and I were behind everyone, walking hand in hand while laughing and talking about random stuff. Like normal teenagers except we aren't normal teenagers.

Once we came to the beach we layed our towels on the sand and everyone took off their clothes except the swim suits. Bree and I were in bikinis as the boys were in swim shorts.

"Last in the water is a rotten egg!" Leo yelled and we all ran into the water. It was cold in the beginning but I got fast used to it.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and spin me around in the water. Once I was set down I saw Chase was the one who spun me around.

I was laughing and then I felt a pair of lips on mine. They were softly moving against mine and it felt like paradise.

When I pulled away mine and Chase's foreheads were leaning on eachother.

"I love you" Chase smiled and I giggled.

"I love you too" Chase and I was gonna kiss again until someone splashed water on us. I gasped and looked to my right. Bree was smirking at us and I narrowed my eyes at her. Then suddenly Chase splashed water at me.

"You're so dead" I said and splashed water at Chase. When he didn't see anything I pushed him under the water. Bree started laughing hysterically until Adam threw her under water. She came up gasping for air and she sped over to Leo and Adam.

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