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Chase's P.O.V (Didn't see that coming ;))

They just rolled Luna into another room and told me to wait in the waiting room. That was like 48 hours ago. Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room with my head in my hands, crying my eyes out.

Whoever that person was, I am going to kill him.

Luna got electrocuted so high that it could have killed her. Yet she's in the hospital trying to recover. How was I so lucky to meet her. She's Black Arrow, smart, strong and really hard to kill. Most girls aren't even close to how she is.

Why couldn't I have been electrocuted? It would've hurt less than it hurt Luna. My chip would probably been roasted, but I rather have my chip gone than Luna gone.

"Mr. Chase Davenport?" Someone asked. I lifted my head up to see a nurse standing in the waiting room. I quickly got up from my chair and walked over to her.

"Yes, that's me" I said. You're probably wondering where Adam and Bree is. Well I sent them home to pick up Mr. Davenport, Tasha and Leo. I know Luna doesn't want her mother here and no one knows where Logan is.

"Miss Cortéz is ready to see you now" The nurse smiled and led the way to Luna's room. I hope she's okay.

Lunas P.O.V

When I woke up I was in a white room. If I'm right I'm in a hospital. A nurse came inside my room and looked at me.

"Ah, Miss Cortéz, you're awake" She smiled and walked over to me.

"Yeah" I said. The nurse checked me if I had any problems but everything was fine.

"Am I here alone?" I asked the nurse. She looked at me and smiled sweetly.

"No, there's this boy in the waiting room who's been dying to see you" She said and I smiled. Chase has been in the waiting room this whole time.

"Can I see him?" I asked and the nurse nodded. She left and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wonder who that person was. I swear to god when I meet him I am not hesitating to kill him. I'll just put an arrow into his head. Maybe.

"Luna!" I heard someone yell and I opened my eyes to see Chase. He looked so happy as he entered the room.

"Hi" I managed to say as Chase came over and sat next to me.

"Thank god you're okay" Chase breathed out. I looked at him and scanned his face. His eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. He had dry tears on his cheek which meant he's been crying this whole time.

Chase also had messy hair and his hands were shaking as he held my hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked as Chase held my hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Right now I am" Chase smiled but it didn't lead all the way to his eyes. I sat up on the bed and moved a little to the side. Chase looked at me puzzled until I patted on the bed's side.

Chase understood what I meant and got in the same bed as me. I layed my head on his shoulder as he put an arm around me.

"I love you" I said as Chase kissed my forehead.

"I love you too" Chase whispered. I looked up to meet his eyes and then his lips. I've missed those lips. I know it has only been a couple of hours but I've missed those warm lips on mine.

I slowly leaned in and Chase did the same. First Chase only brushed his lips over mine to be sure he wasn't hurting me but then I placed my lips perfectly on his. Our lips moved in sync and it felt like heaven.

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