Side Effects

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Lunas P.O.V

I woke up with the sun shining through the window. Chase was still sleeping and he looked so peaceful. I brushed my lips against him softly and his eyes shot open in seconds. I giggled at him and he smiled.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Chase said and held me tighter against him. My head was laying on his chest and his hand was brushing through my hair.

"Me, sleeping beauty? I think you need to get your eyes checked" I said and looked up at him. He frowned and grabbed me. I yelped in surprise and the next thing I know, I was laying on top of Chase.

"My eyes are totally fine. You are beautiful Luna" Chase said and kissed me on the lips. I smiled and kissed him back. Just as things were about to get to get heated my phone beeped. Chase groaned in frustration and I giggled at him.

I grabbed my phone and it was a Black Arrow signal. My face turned serious and I got up from bed. Chase looked confused at me but I threw him my phone and he got an understanding look.

"I'm coming with you" Chase said and got up from my bed. My eyes went wide and I shook my head.

"No, last time that happened, you, Bree and Adam almost got killed" I said. Chase stepped forward and gave me a kiss.

"I'm coming and that's final" Chase stated and left my room. I ran down to my basement and put my Black Arrow stuff on. When I came back up, Logan stood next to Chase with keys in his hands.

"What's goi-" I was cut of by Logan shushing me.

"I'm driving you guys to the Davenport house so Chase can get into his suit" Logan said and went out from the house. Chase followed him and they went into the car. I smirked at them and got on my bike.

"Luna! What are you doing?" Logan asked from the car. Chase looked curiously at me before he understood what I was thinking about.

"Logan, you still as good as before?" I asked.

"At what?" 

"Racing?" I asked and smirked.

"Oh Luna, I'm pretty sure I'm better than you" Logan challenge. I smiled evilly before I put my helmet on and started driving. I was driving over the speed limit and by the look of it, Logan's having a hard time keeping up.

When we came to a stop, I told Chase to get changed fast and went over to Logan.

"I guess I'm faster" I smirked and Logan rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna go, be safe" He said and drove away. Chase ran out and he was in his suit and he also had a little box in his hand.

"What is that?" I asked as I let Chase drive my bike. Before he got on my bike he opened the little box. Inside was a beautiful necklace that was moon shaped.

"Happy birthday Luna. I chose this necklace cause in latin your name Luna means Moon. So when I saw this necklace I tought of you" Chase said and put the necklace around my neck.

"Thanks Chase, I love it" I smiled. He got on my bike and I put my arms around his waist. We drove to an abandoned house and got off the bike. I took my bow and placed an arrow on it.

"You ready?" I asked Chase. He nodded and walked beside me. We walked into the house and it was dark. Chase nodded his head to the basement and I walked over there. There was a small light and I could hear laughter coming from the basement. 

I shot the arrow at the light and then I felt a force field around me. I looked at Chase and smiled. He's so protective over me and I love it. 

We walked forward and heard the men yell in frustration.

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