Lake House Part 3

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Lunas P.O.V

Okay, so if it isn't enough to knock Chase out and then hit me over the head which knocked me out, they even freakin tied us to chairs! In the freaking leaving room! In a lake house! Who the hell could hear us from out here if we even tried to scream? No one.

I apologize for being so snappy, but the thing is I woke up in a chair with a massive headache, the size of Mount Everest. Like, what did whoever hit me with? A baseball bat made out of steel? Would explain the pain.

Chase was still knocked out in a chair across from me. Which means he only got a sedative to get knocked out. Lucky bastard... He got knocked out the easy and less painful way when I got knocked out with Thor's hammer.

Ugh! I can't even untie my hands from the chair! Are they using some kind of handcuffs on me?

"Luna" Someone whispered into the air. The voice echoed through the house and it was a male voice. Didn't sound like anyone I know but to be honest, anyone I know wouldn't be capable of knocking out two very strong teens and then tieing them up with handcuffs.

Anyone I know wouldn't even have sedative on them............ Except Logan..

"Luna" The voice echoed again. 

"Who's there!" I hissed into the air. Chase was slightly moving which proved he was waking up.

"Luna, what's going on?" Chase groaned and looked up at me.

"I don't know" I whispered.

"Luna, what a pathetic girl" The voice echoed once again.

"What the hell?" Chase asked as the voice insulted me.

"Who knew that under that tough skin of yours, is a broken pathetic girl" The voice continued.

"Stop it!" Chase yelled.

"Daddy's dead, mommy's never around, brother is away and the boyfriend is just using you as his own personal toy" As the voice said that I felt a sting in my chest. That actually hurt. I felt tears threthening to show but I tried to hold them back.

"STOP!" Chase yelled once again. I couldn't even speak for myself. I was being tormented by some anonymous voice and Chase kept yelling for it to stop.

"You hurt me Luna" The voice started. "Maybe I should let you feel my pain" 

Chase's eyes winded when the voice said that. I looked down to see my chair wired with electrical stuff. I knew what the voice meant with pain... He was gonna electrocute me.

"No!" Chase yelled but it was too late. I heard a click and then my body felt like it was on fire. The pain was unexpected as the electricity ran through my body.

I heard myself screaming in pain as I saw Chase's eyes. They showed pain, as in my pain. He was struggling but it only got himself hurt. Suddenly the electricity stopped but my body was still hurting really badly.

Tears were forming in my eyes and then they were running down my cheek one by one. I so badly wanted this to stop but it wouldn't.

"Luna, look at me" Chase pleaded. "Please, look at me" I slowly lifted my head up to look at Chase. He had also tears running down his cheeks and I could see bruises on his hands.

"Chase your hands" I said but he waved it off.

"Don't worry about my hands when you're the one who almost got killed" Chase said and I flinched at the word killed. Chase must've noticed cause he had symphathy in his eyes.

"We'll get out of here Luna. I promise you" Chase said as I looked up to meet his eyes again.

"Promise is a big word Chase. How many times am I gonna get shocked before that?" I asked Chase.

"As less as possible" Chase stated as he tried doing something to the chair.

"I don't think so, Chasey" The voice echoed through the house and then I got electrocuted again.

It hurt so badly and I so wanted to scream but what's the point? No one can hear us.

Chase looked at me before his eyes turned to the door and then back at me.

"Scream" He whispered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Luna, Scream!" He said as the electrocution came back. I let out a blood curling scream and then I saw as the front door flew open. 

Bree and Adam came busting in as I was still being electrocuted.

"Luna!" Adam and Bree yelled. Bree sped towards me and took quickly the wires off as Adam smashed the box were the electricity came from. Bree was still struggling to take the wires off as Adam helped Chase.

Once Chase was free he came running towards me and helped Bree take the wires off. I was finally free and my body was in pain and numb. I tried standing up but my body limped as Chase caught me.

We all heard a door open and close and I knew it was the man that ran away.

"Bree, she's getting warm. I think we need to get her to a hospital" I heard Chase voice. I closed my eyes and started feeling tired.

"Pick her up and get her in the car! I'll speed towards the hospital!" Bree yelled and then I felt a cold wind hit me. Bree left and that meant Adam and Chase stayed.

"What's happening to Luna?" Adam asked Chase.

"Her body got electrocuted which probably damaged something inside of her like an organ" Chase stated.

"What?" Adam asked in confusion.

"She got electricity inside her body. It went so high that even our bionic chips could have gotten roasted." Chase said to Adam.

"Still don't get it" Adam said.

"Just open the door and drive to the hospital!" Chase yelled at Adam and then I felt my body get lifted. I was probably sweating due to my body getting warmer and I just wanted an ice bath right now.

I'm pretty sure Adam broke the speed limit twice cause we were in the hospital in minutes.

"We need help!" Chase yelled as he carried me inside the hospital. I felt myself being layed onto a gurney and doctors surrouding me.

"Chase" I whispered and held his hand tight.

"Sir, you need to stay here" One doctor said to Chase.

"I can't leave my girlfriend! Let me come with!" Chase kept yelling. I felt myself getting rolled into another room and I couldn't hear Chase anymore.

"Okay sweetie, we just need you to keep your eyes closed" A woman's voice echoed into my ear. I did as told and then I was surrounded by darkness. 


Two chapters in one day! Fantastic! And I don't need you guys to worry, Luna will be just fine:) Otherwise this wouldn't be a Black Arrow story :D

Comment your thought on this one :)

Love ya! 

~Sincerely Rebecca ;)

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