Spike VS Rouge

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Lunas P.O.V

Me and Chase have been making out on the couch when Mr.Davenport called. He told us that they were on their way home. Which caused me and Chase to get up from the couch just to clean the house. Not that it was a mess but because me and Chase have been making out on the couch so the pillows were on the floor and we looked like we've had a rough night.

I mean our clothes were all messed up. Just as we got everything done, Chase quickly popped in a movie and I sat down on the couch. Just as Chase sat down on the couch the door opened and in came the gang.

"Home Sweet Home!" Tasha yelled as she walked through the door. Leo came running in and kissed the floor but got up quickly and spit.

"What happened to you?" I asked Leo as he sat down on the couch.

"Bree happened" Leo said and I looked over to Bree. She smiled like a retard and walked over to the couch.

"So what have you guys been doing?" Bree asked as she sat down on the floor in front of me. I looked over at Chase nervously. We can't tell them about Chase turning into Spike, getting sexually frustrated and make out sessions.

"We had our second date" I said as I leaned forward. Bree leaned backwards and I started doing a french braid to her.

"How was it?" Bree asked. Mr. Davenport and Adam had already brought the bags inside and went into the kitchen.

"Chase cooked dinner" I looked towards Chase. He gave me a peck on the lips and both of us smiled. 

"Chase cooked?" Tasha, Adam, Leo, Bree and Mr. Davenport asked at the same time. Chase glared at them and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I was surprised too" I smiled.

"Was it good?" Leo asked.

"Surprisingly, yeah. It was delicious" I answered and clapped Bree's back, telling her that her braid was done.

"Then I guess Chase can help cook dinner sometime" Tasha said and walked up stairs with Mr. Davenport.

"Or never" Chase muttered and I laughed at him.

"Luna, Chase. Lab. Now" Bree said and got up. I looked over at Chase and we both looked confused. We followed her down to the lab and sat down at the counter.

"So, what kind of mission did you go on?" Bree asked.

"Hod did y-" Bree cut Chase off

"Luna gave me a Black Arrow phone. It gives me a signal just like it gives her" Bree said.

"Well, it's kinda awkward what happened" Chase mumbled and rubbed his neck.

"Tell me" Bree said sternly and I sighed.

"Chase got sexually frustrated after he breathed in somekind of gas" I said to Bree and she looked shocked.

"You know, I actually didn't wanna know after all" Bree said.

"Black Arrow! Mission! Guys! What's going on?" Leo asked as him and Adam came into the lab. I winded my eyes. Leo and Adam are not supposed to know about this.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said.

"Wait" Leo said. He looked at me then Chase then at Bree. He continued like this for a minute until his eyes winded.

"Luna is Black Arrow?!?!" Leo asked. Adam's eyes went huge also. I bit my lower lip nervously and nodded my head.

"So, I've been talking about you all this time?" Leo asked. I nodded once again and I felt Chase rub my lower back for comfort.

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