Second Date

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Lunas P.O.V

So yesterday was kinda fun. Chase being sexually frustrated, turning into Spike, make out sessions, everything I thought I would never do once I get a boyfriend. The rest of the gang is still out of town so me and Chase have the house for ourselves.

"Ugh!" I heard Chase yell from the kitchen. What was he doing in the kitchen?

"Chase?" I asked and walked into the kitchen. He had his hand under cold water and I walked over to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I cut my hand a little bit, I'm okay" Chase said and turned the water off. I slowly took Chases hand in mine and looked at the cut. 

"It's not that big, let me patch it up" I said and helped him. When we were done Chase went back to doing whatever he was supposed to do.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Chase looked at me with an expression I didn't understand. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss.

"There a surprise in your bedroom, go check it out" Chase said.

"My bedroom?" I asked.

"Well there is no point in saying guest bedroom if it's yours" Chase smiled. I pecked him on the lips one more time before running up to the room. When I walked into the room, there was a beautiful dress laying on the bed.

It was blue dress with a silver patter. I smiled and put the dress on. I curled my hair and put on the necklace Chase gave me as a birthday present. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled at myself. I looked really good.

Once I was done I walked downstairs to see Chase lighting up som candles on the table. He was wearing black jeans and a white costume shirt with a tie. His hair was spiked up and of course is he wearing his high tops.

I walked behind him and when he turned around his jaw dropped.

"Wow, y-you look r-really pretty" Chase stuttered.

"You don't look that bad yourself" I smiled and gave him a kiss. When I pulled back I looked at the table.

"You cooked dinner?" I asked shocked. I didn't know he could cook. Well he is the smartest person alive, why wouldn't he be able to cook?

"Yeah, think of this as our second date" Chase said and pushed out a chair for me.

"You're full of surprises" I said and sat down at the chair. Chase pushed the chair a little bit, so I was closer to the table.

"So I've heard" Chase said. I smiled and waited for him to get seated. When he sat down, there was already food on our plates. Chase and I talked and laughed while eating. When we were done I helped Chase clean up everything before going up to what Chase called "My room".

I walked into the room and got changed into some other clothes. Once I was done I walked downstairs and searched for Chase.

"Chase!" I yelled from the living room.

"Mhm!" He yelled back from upstairs. When did he go upstairs?

"Wanna come down?" I asked.

"Yeah" He responded. He came down a little later with a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Anything bothering you?" Chase asked as I threw my phone on the couch.

"Yeah, we're going out for a run" I smiled and walked out the door. Chase chuckled and closed the door after me. We started with a jog and it slowly turned into a run.

We were running in the woods until I felt like going swimming.

"Chase, you wanna go for a swim?" I asked. He looked at me confused.

"Sure but we don't have swimsuits with us" Chase said.

"It's okay, we can swim in our underwear" I winked and ran towards the lake. Chase was hot on my heels but I still managed to get to the lake before him.

"Okay, turn around" I said as we came to the lake. Chase turned around and I took of my t-shirt and shorts. Chase was still facing the other way and I walked over to the bridge. I jumped into the water and when I came to the surface, I saw Chase looking confused.

"You coming?" I asked. Chase rolled his eyes at me before taking off his shirt. I eyed his body when he did that. He had the perfect abs and muscles. I realized that I was almost eye raping him so I looked away until I heard a splash.

Chase came up to the surface and smirked.

"What?" I asked slightly confused.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked. My eyes were wide open and I was blushing. Did he see me when I was checking him out? Oh shit.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said.

"Sure you don't" Chase said. We were swimming for a while until I saw some guys having a party near the lake. 

"Chase, how do you feel about dancing?" I asked and looked at the people who had a party.

"With you, I would love to dance" He smirked. We swam to the shore and put our clothes back on. We walked over to the party and there was like people everywhere. Chase took my hand and brought me somewhere in the middle of the party just as Pitbull's song came on.

Not exactly the perfect song between me and Chase but I loved the beat/bass. I was dancing against Chase and I could hear him growl. I smirked and turned around, which caused my back up against his front.

I started moving my hips against him and he held one of his hands on my waist while the other one held my hand. We were technically "grinding" against each other and Chase let out another growl. 

I bit my bottom lip, while thinking of what my next step is. I grabbed Chases hand and went somewhere into the woods. Chase backed me up against a tree and smashed his lips against mine. 

Chases hands were going up and down my sides which caused me to moan. Chase stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye.

"Did you just moan?" Chase grinned. 

"No.." I whispered. Chase raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, maybe I did" I said truthfully. Chase smirked before smashing his lips on mine again. His hands were still rubbing my sides as his tounge massaged mine. I started putting my hands through Chases hair and felt shivers go down my spine when Chase put one of his hands higher up on my body.

I heard in the distance some guys yelling and wolf whisteling at Chase which caused us to break the kiss. I blushed as Chase looked at me with lust. I took his hand and we started walking back to the house.

"I had fun today" I smiled at Chase. He looked at me and gave me sweet smile.

"Me too, we should do this more often" Chase said and grabbed me by the waist. I lost my balance but Chase caught me. I was still in Chases arms as he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"Indeed" I smiled and we walked back to the house.


Shirtless Chase *Starts Drooling* Haha :)

Well a new chapter and I am still drooling over the picture on the side


This was just a Lase chapter and it was soooooo cute!

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~Sincerely Rebecca ;)

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